
2007年2月6日 星期二

"自然"的再想像: 以台灣馬里光河流域原住民人河關係變遷為例

論文發表人:官大偉 (夏威夷大學Monoa分校地理系博士生)

近年來,颱風季節發生的"天然"災害造成許多的損失,在台灣社會成為越來越引人關切的議題。居住在所謂環境敏感地區,高山原住民經常被指責是造成環境退化的原因。台灣政府為了回應環境退化,擬定了一系列"國土復育"的政策。其中,原住民部落的遷村被視為達成國土復育的手段之一。為了檢視國土復育的論述以及其背後的地理想像,本文以台灣泰雅族原住民居住的馬里光河流域為例,探討其人河關係的變遷,並指出自殖民時期以來主導著 "發展" 的"自然-文化"二分邏輯,方為現今災害的根源。本文同時分析此區域晚近興起的原住民社區資源保育與地方認同的運動,並建議這樣的運動能夠將原住民的聲音重置於 "自然"概念的建構之中,並且帶來 "自然-文化" 二分邏輯之外新的地理想像。


Re-imaging Nature: A Critical Review of the Transiting Human-River Relationship in Indigenous Maliqwan River Valley, Taiwan


Da-Wei Kuan*

PhD student in the Department of Geography, University of Hawaii at Manoa


The "Natural" disasters, for instance mud-slide and water-flood, happened during typhoon seasons which led to numerous damages have been a more and more serious issue in the public concern in Taiwan. Living in so-called "environmental-sensitive" areas, mountainous Indigenes often incurred great blame as the cause of the environmental degradation. In response to the degradation, Taiwan government drafted a series of "National Land Restoration" police, under which the removal of indigenous villages was deemed as a necessary means. Aiming to challenge the geographical imagination behind it, this article took the transiting human-river relationship in indigenous Maliqwan River Valley as an example, explored the process indigenous Atayal people got displaced and argued that the "nature-culture" dichotomy continually dominating the "development" in this area since colonial era is just the disaster itself. In the end, this paper analyzed its recent emerged place-based indigenous movements, and suggested that such struggles may replace indigenous voice within the construction of "nature" and bring new geographical imagination other than the "nature-culture" dichotomy. The major conceptual tools brought to this task are "social nature", and the interaction between first (material) and second (mental) spaces in the making of place. The methods employed include literature review and discourse analysis.

