論文發表人:日宏煜 (夏威夷大學馬諾亞分校人類學系博士班)
The epidemics of hepatitis B and C are serious public health problems in the indigenous peoples (Austronesian speakers) of Taiwan over the past several decades. Currently, approximately fifteen percent of the indigenous peoples are infected by hepatitis B or C virus (HBV and HCV). The ethnographic research conducted at two Truku villages in eastern Taiwan explores that colonialism and modernity took place in the first two decades of the twentieth century initiated the large-scale transmissions of HBV and HCV in the Truku communities. Under the colonial regime, the physical, biological, and cultural components of the total ecosystem were greatly altered while the Japanese empire conquered the Truku nation and relocated the Truku to few communities in the eastern coast of Taiwan in the 1910s. These new communities shaped the harbors of various infectious diseases such as malaria, influenza, tuberculosis, and bubonic plague. To prevent the outbreaks of infectious diseases in the Truku communities, Western medicine was introduced by the colonial government. However, reusing needles, syringes, and surgical instruments that might not be completely sterilized permitted the infections of HBV and HCV through iatrogenic routes within the local communities. As such, colonialism and modernity as well as marcoparasites infected an indigenous society and unbalanced its total ecosystem resulting in the indigenous bodies were vulnerable to microparasits (virus). Without considering the historical contexts of colonialism and modernity, the state racialized the epidemic hepatitis B and C as indigenous problems in later decades.