Constructional Meaning and Mental Simulation
論文發表人: 韓文瑋(夏威夷大學語言所博士班)
Constructional theories of grammar propose that grammatical constructions contribute meaning to a sentence beyond that of the individual words. For instance, Goldberg (1995) argues that the ditransitive encodes a transfer-of-possession meaning, while the dative encodes a caused-motion meaning. If grammatical constructions encode meaning in a psychologically real way, then there should be measurable differences in how individual language users interpret dative versus ditransitive sentences. For instance, ditransitive and dative constructions should evoke measurably different mental simulations in understanders. In particular, understanders should more intensely mentally simulate a path when processing a dative sentence than when processing a ditransitive one. Results from a behavioral study showed that participants performed significantly longer physical movements while processing dative sentences, as compared with ditransitive sentences. This suggests that dative sentences more strongly activate path representations in understanders than do ditransitive sentences, confirming the notion that grammatical constructions contribute meaning to the utterances they occur in.