Persons with Down syndrome Can Dance!
論文發表人: 陳志佳 (亞利桑那州立大學人體肌動學系博士班)
Many observations and anecdotes have suggested that persons with Down syndrome (DS) love music and specifically moving to music. The present pilot study videotaped 10 adults with Down syndrome and 10 mental age-matched participants dancing in response to five different types of music (e.g., Classical/Pop, Jazz). Our preliminary results suggest that persons with Down syndrome didn't move rhythmically; however, they were more active and did move more to music than mental age matched participants. While persons with DS had some characteristic movement patterns that were similar with all music types, some persons with DS did adopt specific movement patterns for specific types of music. Furthermore, they clearly enjoyed what they were doing. We suggested music could be a media to improve their motor learning and development. Further research needs to quantify this love of moving to music.