
2007年6月25日 星期一

Learning New Gender Discourses and Repositioning the Self in Second Language Acquisition



學習第二語言所產生新的性別對話與自我訂位 近來許多學者對於因學習第二語言所產生的新思想、對話以及性別的重新定位感到興趣這篇論文主要以質化研究深入探討兩位台灣女性留學生在美國學習英文和使用英文的過程中所經歷的性別認同的重新定位此研究採用多元資料驗證法分析資料包含訪談及言談分析研究結果發現這兩位台灣女性留學生經歷明顯的性別認同重新定位尤其是兩種語言表達的形式


Recently, researchers have become interested in how learning a second language may involve "internalization of new gender ideologies and discourses."(Pavlenko, 1998, P. 439) and "transformations of gender performance" (Pavlenko, 2001, P. 133). In this paper, we examine the gender identity repositioning experienced by two Mandarin-speaking Taiwanese female graduate students learning and using English as a second language in the U.S. A triangulation of data sources: semi-structured interviews and audio-recorded conversations were collected. The results suggest that the women experienced gender identity repositioning as a result of living in the U.S. and using English, especially with regard to use of specific language forms in the two languages.