
2009年6月10日 星期三

Lower Frequency Metamaterial-Inspired Magnetic-Based EZ Antennas

論文發表人:林佳慶 (亞利桑那大學電機與電腦工程研究所博士班)


Many applications have been proposed that use metamaterials (MTMs), artificial materials having engineered electromagnetic properties, to obtain a desired, but unusual electromagnetic behavior.  For instance, metamaterial-inspired efficient electrically small antennas have been proposed which have led to an efficacious, electrically-small antenna design methodology and have drawn much attention.  Inspired by the properties of MTMs and the ideas associated with this kind of antenna, we have extended the 3D magnetic-based EZ designs which operate at the lower frequency bands.  Several 300MHz 3D antenna were fabricated by filling in the dielectric gap with a quartz dielectric spacer. Not only did the quartz spacer provide the desired lower capacitance, it also enhanced the mechanically stability of the fabricated structure.  A series of realizations and designs of the 3D antenna and the corresponding measured results was shown that good agreement between the simulation and experimental results was obtained.


現今已有許多應用超常介質材料(matamaterial)來達成一個特別的電磁場行為,例如應用超常介質材料來設計一個有效率且極小天線的概念提供了本篇論文發展的基本設計方式,基於超常介質材料的特性及相關的天線設計方法,我們提出一個工作於300 MHz3D EZ天線設計方式,為了達到小天線的要求,我們加入石英來提供足夠的電容值以達到天線共振要求,除此之外,石英也幫助了我們在實做天線時增加結構的穏定度,模擬和量測結果證明此天線系統之有效輻射效率大於90%且工作於所設計的頻率。