Lower Frequency Metamaterial-Inspired Magnetic-Based EZ Antennas
論文發表人:林佳慶 (亞利桑那大學電機與電腦工程研究所博士班)
Many applications have been proposed that use metamaterials (MTMs), artificial materials having engineered electromagnetic properties, to obtain a desired, but unusual electromagnetic behavior. For instance, metamaterial-inspired efficient electrically small antennas have been proposed which have led to an efficacious, electrically-small antenna design methodology and have drawn much attention. Inspired by the properties of MTMs and the ideas associated with this kind of antenna, we have extended the 3D magnetic-based EZ designs which operate at the lower frequency bands. Several 300MHz 3D antenna were fabricated by filling in the dielectric gap with a quartz dielectric spacer. Not only did the quartz spacer provide the desired lower capacitance, it also enhanced the mechanically stability of the fabricated structure. A series of realizations and designs of the 3D antenna and the corresponding measured results was shown that good agreement between the simulation and experimental results was obtained.