Language, Coloniality and Identity Politics in Colonial Taiwan, 1930- 50: A Case Study of Feng Yue Bao
發表人: 李欣潔 (加州大學爾灣分校東亞語言
在臺灣的公共空間中, 個別的語言能否登場被看見或被聽見,並不是一個不經操作純然中性的文化現象。在殖民時期的臺灣,殖民政權正是透過操作各種語言在視覺或聽覺的在場性來進行各種權力運作並以此鞏固其政權。如同我們已熟知的、基本上沒有普世相同的殖民統治,而各種在臺灣的殖民統治也都遇到了不同的抵抗,因而必須提出相應的協商策略。再者, 無論對殖民者或被殖民者來說,再現於語言的認同政治,不論是就尋求抵抗或協商的策略而言,都扮演了關鍵的角色。在此,我將以風月報為分析對象,據此討論殖民者與被殖民者如何以語言為競技場再現各種支配、抵抗與協商的力量。
Available visual and aural presences of various languages in Taiwan have never been neutral. In colonial Taiwan, visible and audible presences of different languages have been contested constantly in a language arena through which every colonial regime had exerted its operational power to assure its hegemony. As is well known, there is no universal colonization. Every colonial power in Taiwan encountered different resistances and therefore appealed to different strategies for negotiation. Meanwhile, identity politics represented in language also played a critical role, for both the colonizers and the colonized, when they projected tactics of negotiation and resistance. Here, I plan to discuss the dominance, resistance and negotiation between the colonizers and the colonized represented in the language arena based on my investigation of Feng Yue Bao.