PRoPHET+: An Adaptive PRoPHET-Based Routing Protocol for Opportunistic Network
論文發表人: 黃廷愷 (加州大學河濱分校資訊科學系博士班)
我們針對隨機網路提出了一個新的路由協定,稱之為PRoPHET+。這個路由協定可以最大化成功傳輸的機會並最小化傳輸的延遲。PRoPHET+會依據每個封包去計算其傳遞值(deliverability value)來決定其路由路徑。這個傳遞值是由五種特性加權之後加總而成,其中包含了緩衝區大小(buffer size),電量大小(power),所在位置(location),活躍程度(popularity), 以及經由原本 PRoPHET所計算得到的預測值。儘管目前我們針對每個特性所使用的權重值是基於性質上的考量, PRoPHET+仍然可以依據不同環境去調整各特性的權重來達到最佳的效果。我們的實驗結果也說明了PRoPHET+可以比現行的PRoPHET有更佳的表現。
We propose PRoPHET+, a routing scheme for opportunistic networks designed to maximize successful data delivery rate and minimize transmission delay. PRoPHET+ computes a deliverability value to determine the routing path for packets. Deliverability is calculated using a weighted function consisting of evaluations of nodes' buffer size, power, location, popularity, and the predictability value from PRoPHET. Even though the proposed PRoPHET+'s weights are chosen based on qualitative considerations, it is possible for PRoPHET+ to perform even more efficiently in various environments by shifting the weights accordingly. Our simulation illustrates that PRoPHET+ can perform better or equal to the routing protocol PRoPHET if logical choices for weights are used.