The Learning Journey: Investigating Taiwanese Teachers’ Adaptive Behaviors in Anti-Corporal Punishment Educational Reform
論文發表人: 鍾文婷 (美國亞利桑那州立大學教育心理學博士班)
本研究調查台灣教師在零體罰教育政策及立法禁止體罰的教育改革潮流中, 對政策和立法的適應行為. 研究問題有二: (1) 在零體罰政策前, 體罰在教師的教學上扮演什麼樣的角色 (2) 教師在零體罰政策前的教學經驗如何影響教師決定是否要繼續使用體罰或不再使用體罰. 本研究採取質性研究方法, 深度訪談八位台灣國中教師, 針對訪談對話進行敘事分析. 研究主要有三項發現, 首先, 本研究發現並具體描述這八位教師選擇教學策略的認知過程. 第二, 雖認知過程有其共通模式, 但在各老師間存在質性差異, 例如, 傾向繼續使用體罰的三位教師, 相信學生必須有外在的控制才能夠表現良好, 對學生的期待與標準較單一; 從來沒有使用過體罰的兩位教師, 相信學生有能力發展自我控制, 其他三位曾使用體罰但已經停止使用體罰的教師, 對於外在與內在控制的信念, 介於以上兩種老師之間, 相當程度地依賴外在控制的教學策略, 但也相信學生有能力發展自我控制. 第三, 繼續使用體罰的老師, 對體罰定義有自己的認定, 此定義不同於教育部的定義, 在此認知下, 老師繼續使用體罰.
This study investigated Taiwanese teachers' practical knowledge regarding their use of corporal punishment as a strategy and how such knowledge could shape teachers' decision to stop or continue their use when facing the government's prohibition on corporal punishment. Eight middle school teachers were interviewed using semi-structural protocol. Using Holistic-content and holistic-form analysis approach, an emerging pattern of teachers' working system, including four elements, to explain teachers' reactions was identified across teachers. Comparing teachers who used and did not use corporal punishment, certain roles and goals were identified that could influence teachers' decisions. Teachers might develop unpredicted reactions such as changing their cognitive definition of corporal punishment instead of changing their actual behaviors to not violate reform policy.