
2010年12月15日 星期三

Racial disparities in psychiatric outcomes among parenting women in treatment for substance abuse



先前研究指出,有藥物濫用問題的母親在生活中許多方面都需要協助。本研究主要探討這些母親參加藥癮治療後,心理精神症狀的改善情況是否有種族間的差異。方法:研究樣本為參加加州13個縣的藥癮治療計畫的917位懷孕或育有18歲以下子女的母親。研究對象分別在進入治療時、和參加治療九個月之後,接受成癮嚴重度指標評量。本研究以描述性統計、共變數分析、以及邏輯斯迴歸檢視525位白人、180位非裔、以及212位拉丁裔母親在精神症狀方面的改變與差異。研究結果:在開始參與治療時,白人女性的精神成癮嚴重度比非洲裔及拉丁裔女性高 (0.29 vs.0.23 vs. 0.21; p<0.01)。而在進入治療後第九個月的追蹤評估則顯示,每個族群的精神成癮嚴重度在參加治療後都有改善,且在控制初入治療時的精神成癮嚴重度後,各種族的精神成癮嚴重度不再有顯著差異。此外,在進入治療時,有較高比例的白人母親有理解困難、專注、記憶、和自殺意念等精神症狀,但是在接受治療九個月後,我們以統計方法控制初入治療時的精神症狀,結果顯示,這些症狀都不再呈現種族間的差異。結論:此研究顯示,白人、非裔、及拉丁裔研究對象的精神症狀在接受藥癮治療後都獲得改善,尤其白人女性在接受治療後的改善最明顯。


Background: Substance-abusing parenting women have problems in needs of help in many key life domains. This study focused on racial differences in psychiatric outcomes among parenting women in treatment for substance abuse problems. Methods: Subjects were 917 parenting women (with children under age 18) admitted to substance-abusing treatment programs in 13 counties across California. The Addiction Severity Index was administered at treatment intake and the 9-month follow-up. Descriptive, ANCOVA, and Logistic Regression analyses were conducted to examine differences among white (n=525), Black (n=180), and Hispanic (n=212) women in their psychiatric outcomes. White women reported a higher ASI psychiatric severity score than Black and Hispanic women at intake (0.29 vs.0.23 vs. 0.21; p<0.01). At the 9-month follow-up, the ASI psychiatric score for each racial group decreased (0.14 vs.0.17 vs. 0.12), and there was no significant racial difference in the ASI psychiatric score at the follow-up, controlling for the baseline ASI psychiatric score. In addition, White parenting women demonstrated a significantly higher percentage of trouble understanding, concentrating, or remembering, and suicide thoughts in previous 30 days at treatment intake than Blacks and Hispanics. However, there was no significant racial difference in symptoms of trouble understanding, concentrating, or remembering, and suicide thoughts, controlling for the baseline psychiatric symptom status. Conclusion: Findings indicated that for all racial groups, psychiatric problems decreased after substance abuse treatment. White parenting women especially benefited from the treatment as they demonstrated greatest improvement after treatment.