
2010年12月15日 星期三

Staging Martial Heroine: Bio-politics, Gender, and the Ambiguous Body



本文研究冷戰時期台灣在國家慶典被廣泛展演的一個類法西斯奇觀: 以女英雄為主題的舞蹈與身體展演。根據政治哲學家傅柯以及阿岡本對於生命政治與身體政治的討論,本文探索國家如何要求人民內化其威權治理並公開地體現國家的權力,以及在此內化與展現過程中,女性的身體如何被運用來象徵性地定義與再定義兩種對立形象之間的模糊界線:神聖光榮的國家女英雄對比醜惡敗德的女共匪。經由對台灣早期「花木蘭」舞蹈展演論述以及有「現代花木蘭」之稱的軍方「女青年服務大隊」的剖析,本文試圖論述,藉由為國家展演陽剛性,女性舞蹈身體鞏固其在國族論述幻象中的神聖主體位置,但弔詭的是,女性身體之曖昧性也隨時在威權治理中被翻轉陳述。


This paper focuses on the dance performances of martial heroine, a semi-Fascist spectacle which was widely presented in national ceremonies, in the Cold War Taiwan. Drawing the discussions from Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben, I investigate how the nation-state required its people to internalize and to embody its power publicly and how female body was symbolically employed to define and redefine the line between sacred Chinese citizens and impure "communist bandits". By these analyses, I argue that, by performing masculinity, female dancing body secured its position as the sacred subject that visualized the fantasy of the nation-state.