
2007年6月25日 星期一

Mass Transfer and Biofilm Detection for Degradation of Phenol in Hollow Fiber Membrane Bioreactors



建立微孔性中空纖維膜生物反應器模組 (HFMBR) 以探討Psudomonas putida CCRC 14365對酚之生物降解,模組中的聚丙烯纖維先經過乙醇潤濕為親水性膜。主要探討不同酚濃度(100 3000 mg/L)對降解速率及細胞生長之影響。結果顯示,當細胞被中空纖維膜固定化及與廢水端分開時, P. putida細胞能在92小時內完全降解3000 mg/L的酚。為瞭解中空纖維膜生物反應器模組中酚的傳送,算出從管側穿過薄膜至殼側酚的總質傳係數的理論值及實驗值。建立中空纖維生物反應器的生物膜質傳模式,以零次方平板模式(zero-order flat sheet model) 預測反應器的去除率其修正係數 R2 可達0.94對這個零次方平板模式各個重要參數作敏感度測試,發現去除率與生物膜的相關參數有很強的函數關係,尤其是當生物膜的生物量密度及擴散係數下降時,去除率會呈現線性下降的趨勢。


The degradation of phenol (100-3000 mg/L) by the cells of P. putida CCRC 14365 in a microporous hollow fiber membrane bioreactor (HFMBR) was studied, in which the polypropylene fibers were prewetted with ethanol. The concentrations of phenol on phenol degradation and cell growth were focused. The cells of P. putida fully degraded 3000 mg/L of phenol within 92 h when the cells were immobilized and separated by the fibers. The mass transfer of phenol across the membranes was estimated by theoretical and experimental study. Biofilm model of the HFMBR was created. The zero-order flat sheet model fit the data well, correlation coefficient R2 = 0.94. Sensitivity analysis of the zero-order model indicated that removal was a strong function of the biofilm phase. It is especially for biomass density and also for the biofilm diffusion coefficient, with both values downward resulting in linear decreased removal rates.