
2007年7月6日 星期五

Integrity-aware Bandwidth Guarding Approach in P2P Networks

論文發表人:江文惠( 加州大學電機工程學系) 


大部份的網路互助系統都面臨一個主要的問題 , 總是有些使用者 ( freediers ) 不願意付出而只想從中得利. 以同儕網路系統 ( P2P Network ) 來說, 就是有些使用者只想下載檔案而不願意上傳檔案給他人. 這樣的使用者對系統來說是多餘的, 會給其它使用者帶來負擔並降低整體系統效能. 因次我們提出一個有效率的演算法來分辨這些不合群的使用者 . 主要的想法為監控可用頻寬與使用者網路流量之間的相對關係. 首先我們會先比較現有可用頻寬量測工具的特色, 選擇最適合來監控同儕網路的工具, 接著, 提出我們評估使用者是否為 freeriders 的演算法以及我們的實驗結果. 實驗結果證實我們的演算法確實能夠分辨出對整體網路有貢獻的使用者以及只想從中得利而不想有所貢獻的使用者. 藉由這些資訊我們能建立更穩固的底層網路架構 . 並以此為基礎來發展許多同儕網路系統 ( P2P system ) 或多點傳播系統 ( multicast applications ) .


Most Internet-based collaborative computing systems face the major problem: freeriding. The abundance of freeriders, and load imbalance it creates, punishes those peers who do actively contribute to the network by forcing them to overuse their resources. Hence, the overall system performance becomes to degrade quickly. The goal of this paper is aimed to provide an efficient approach to distinguish the dishonest peers from the honest peers. The key idea of our approach is to make use of the relationship between the perceived throughput and the available bandwidth. First, we do a comprehensive study of available bandwidth estimation tools. Next, we propose integrity-aware bandwidth guarding algorithm, which is designed according to the perceived throughput and the available bandwidth estimation. Finally, the simulation results illustrate that our approach can correctly identify dishonest peers and be of great help in constructing a better overlay structure for many peer-to-peer and multicast applications.