
2007年8月1日 星期三

Broadband Quadrature Hybrid Design Using Metamaterial Transmission Line and Its Application in the Broadband Continuous Phase Shifter

論文發表人: 李振榮(加州大學洛杉磯分校電機工程博士班)


本篇論文主要是討掄一個寬頻正交混合器的設計. 此設計最主要是利用寬頻威爾金森功率分配器和利用超穎物質傳輸線來達成的寬頻相差去完成. 將威爾金功率分配器和超穎物質分配器結合後, 對於相差90°±5°0.48功率差的公差來說, 其成效可以達到67%的頻寬. 除此之外, 完整的四端寬頻證交耦合器需要再利用一個功率合成器. 在此, 對於相差90°±5°0.48功率差的公差來說, 其效果也可以達到67%的頻寬. 為了證明所提出的正交寬頻混合器的可應用性, 我們用一個利用向量加法的連續相移器去證明其潛力.


This paper presents a broadband quadrature hybrid which makes use of the broadband power division properties of conventional Wilkinson power splitters along with broadband phase difference achieved using metamaterial based delay lines. The bandwidth of the 90°±5° phase difference and 0.48dB power difference between the outputs of the Wilkinson power splitter and metamaterial delay line combination is 67%. The full four-port coupler is formed employing an additional combiner. A phase/power difference between the hybrid outputs of 90°±10° and 1.2dB, respectively, are observed over the same 67% bandwidth. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed broadband quadrature hybrid, a continuous phase shifter which is based on the vector sum method is tested.