Effects on Hardness and Elastic Modulus for DSS-8 Peptide Treatment on Remineralization of Human Dental Tissues
論文發表人 : 許家展 (加州大學洛杉磯分校材料科學與工程學系)
縮氨酸及含有氨基酸的聚合分子特別是含有大量羧酸鹽是被認為可與礦物表面交互反應。這些縮氨酸大部分反應於調解生物礦化成長。在這份研究中,探討DSS-8縮氨酸對再礦化之人類牙齒組織影響。 結果表示,經過含有DSS-8縮氨酸之再礦化處理的去礦化的琺瑯質及未處理的象牙質其硬度增加。另外,有添加DSS-8縮氨酸處理的去礦化的琺瑯質及未處理的象牙質其硬度與彈性模數高於未添加DSS-8縮氨酸處理。
Peptides and macromolecules contain amino acid residues, specifically regions rich in carboxylates, as known to interact with mineral surfaces. Those peptides are most active in the mediation of biologically directed mineral growth. In this work, the effects of DSS-8 peptide treatment on remineralization of human dental tissues are investigated. The results show that hardness of demineralization enamel and native dentin increases after remineralization treatment with DSS-8 peptide. Additionally, hardness and modulus of demineralization enamel and native dentine with DSS-8 peptide treatment are higher than that without DSS-8 peptide treatment.