Joint MIMO Radar Waveform and Receiving Filter Optimization
多輸入輸出雷達(MIMO Radar)系統使得每個發射天線能傳輸任意波形。這個新的方法比起傳統的傳輸波束形成方法提供了額外的自由度。在最近的文獻中,它已被證明具有很多優點。在本文中,我們考慮使用目標物和雜波的先驗資訊,同時最佳化多輸入輸出雷達的波形和接收濾波器。本文中提出一種新的迭代算法來提升檢測性能。該算法保證信噪比在每個迭代步驟得以改善。計算結果顯示,該方法比現有的設計方法能有更好的信噪比。
The concept of MIMO (multiple-input multipleoutput) radar allows each transmitting antenna element to transmit an arbitrary waveform. This provides extra degrees of freedom compared to the traditional transmit beamforming approach. It has been shown in the recent literature that MIMO radar systems have many advantages. In this paper, we consider the joint optimization of waveforms and receiving filters in the MIMO radar when the prior information of target and clutter are available. A novel iterative algorithm is proposed to optimize the waveforms and receiving filters such that the detection performance can be maximized. The proposed algorithm guarantees that the SINR performance improves in each iteration step. The numerical results show that the proposed methods have better SINR performances than existing design