
2009年7月21日 星期二

Magnetoelectric Device Demonstrating Nanoscale Magnetic Single-Domain Control

論文發表人:鍾添淦   (加州大學洛杉磯分校機械工程研究所博士班)


在本篇文章中, 我們提出一個創新的鎳-鋯鈦酸鉛的薄膜式磁電裝置.  該鎳-鋯鈦酸鉛的薄膜式磁電裝置可藉由一個外加電場的方式來控制奈米級磁區的樣式變形過程.  藉由反式磁電效應, 在該鎳-鋯鈦酸鉛的薄膜式磁電裝置中的單一磁區可以被此外加電場良好地控制其磁區式樣的變形過程.  我們利用磁力顯微鏡觀測到這個外加電場所導致的從單一磁區狀態變形到旋渦流磁區狀態的式樣變型過程.  在移除該外加電場之後, 此旋渦流磁區狀態又會回到原本的單一磁區狀態.  這種可恢復狀態的磁區式樣變化即顯示了該磁區變形過程乃是可逆式的磁壁運動所導致.


We report on electrical control of nanoscale magnetic domain-pattern transformation process in a Ni/PZT thin film magentoelectric device. The magnetic single-domain in the device can be transformated and controlled under an electric field due to the converse magnetoelectric effect. The electric field-induced transformation process from single-domain state to vortex-domain state is observed with the use of magnetic force microscopy. Upon removal of electric field, the magnetic domain-pattern returns to its original state, i.e. reversible domain-wall motion.