The transformations of democracy and economic development in Taiwan in the last decades help higher education reforms and expansions in Taiwan. The driving forces of higher education expansion not only include economic development and the needs of human capital but also reflect the needs of higher education access from society, parents, and students. The educational opportunity equality is the core concern of academia and central government in Taiwan. However, higher education reforms in the last few years, such as world class university plan, higher education merge, and assessment and evaluation gradually facilitate the formation of higher education differentiation and stratification in Taiwan. It's necessary to re-examine college access equity in the context of higher education expansion and differentiation in Taiwan. First of all, this study raised some equity problems of current higher education system in Taiwan. Second, social reproduction theory, MMI, EMI, and student success model will be the theoretical framework of this study. Third, the I-E-O model developed by UCLA professor A. Astin will be analytical framework. This study uses Taiwan Higher Education Dataset as sample, stepwise logistic regression as statistical method to explore factors that influence the possibilities of public universities and world class plan universities in Taiwan. In the last part of this study, education policy implications and future research directions are raised.