Language Learning through Social Networks: Orientation and Efforts
發表人:林金錫 (加州大學爾灣分校教育研究所博士班)
影響語言學習結果的其中一個重要的因素是學習動機。隨著網路的出現,愈來愈多人在教室外學習語言,但他們的學習動機以及他們的背景與動機之間的關係卻極少為研究者所關注,動機是否在課室外的學習也扮演重要的角色仍較少為學者所探討。基於Gardner (1985) 對語言學習動機的兩項分類:整合性與工具性動機,本研究探討線上學習者的此兩類動機與努力之間的關係,並分析學習者的背景是否影響這之間的關係。資料從一個大型的線上語言學習網站取得 (樣本數為16,599),並用迴歸分析和路徑分析來研究。結果顯示,學習者之間的差異,包括年齡、性別、收入、教育程度、語言背景與所學習的語言,都會影響到這兩類學習動機。整合性與工具性動機與努力程度呈現正向相關,且工具性動機對學習時間的影響比整合性動機來得強。本研究確認了動機在透過社會網路學習語言的重要性與其對努力的影響,並提出社會文化背景在學習者動機裡扮演不可或缺的角色。
One of the most important individual differences shaping language learning outcomes is learner motivation. With the emergence of the Internet, more and more language learners study in out-of-school context, but little is known about online language learners' motivation and how motivation varies by their background. What kind of roles that motivation plays in online language learning is unclear. Based on the constructs of integrative and instrumental orientation by
(n=16,599) conducted through a major online language learning website Livemocha were analyzed using multiple regression and path analysis. The results suggest that learner differences, including age, gender, income, education, linguistic background, and target language, had an impact on both integrative and instrumental orientation.
Both types of motivational orientation are positively associated with learning effort, and instrumental orientation has a greater impact on learning efforts than instrumental orientation. This study not only confirms the importance of motivation in language learning through social networks and the effect of motivation on efforts but also demonstrates the effect of social milieu on learning motivation.