
2010年10月4日 星期一

Analyzing China's Participation in the World Trade Organization: A Constructivist Approach

張文揚、Claremont Graduate UniversityDepartment of Politics and Policy


經濟整合與貿易自由化是兩個需要持續交涉與合作的領域,因為主權國家必須調整他們的國內外政策以配合他們的經濟貿易伙伴。爰此,中國大陸在兩千零一年加入世界貿易組織成為本文的研究對象,以分析中國如何以漸進的學習過程進入到全球經濟與現有的貿易規範之中。本文將檢視江憶恩(Alastair Iain Johnston)針對中國參與國際制度的理論。藉由應用三個重要的個體過程:模仿、社會影響、與勸說,本文旨在探討中國近年加入世界貿易組織的社會化過程。我們將世界貿易組織視為一個社會化過程發生的制度環境。在本文中,世界貿易組織的法律架構與與官方文件被視為是行為者互動的結構。最後,社會化過程發生在中國與其他行為者、以及現有規範的互動之中。模仿、社會影響與勸說是三個重要的面向,在本文中也將分別檢驗。結論則提出中國參與世界貿易組織的政策意涵與對這三個過程的評估。


Economic integration and trade liberalization are two issue areas that require constant negotiations and cooperation, for which nation states have to adjust their domestic and foreign policies according to their partners. China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 can therefore serve as a good example, which shows the gradual learning process of China to embed in global economy and the existing trading regulations. This paper will test Johnston (2008)'s theory on China in international institutions. By applying three important micro processes--mimicking, social influence, and persuasion--the research paper aims at exploring the socialization process of China in the WTO during the recent years. We treat the WTO as an institutional environment where this socialization process occurs. In this study, the legal framework and official documents of the WTO are considered as the structure that interacts with agents in this study. Finally, the socialization processes take place during China's interaction with other actors and with the existing norms. Mimicking, social influence, and persuasion are three important aspects, which will be separately dealt with in later part of this paper. The evaluation of these processes and policy implications about China's participation in WTO will be provided at the end.