
2010年8月24日 星期二

Global Justice, International Society, and Coercion

論文發表人:郭祐輑 (加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校政治所博士班)


本文探討戰爭與全球分配正義之間的關係。學者Hedley Bull認為國際社會中的自衛戰爭是維持國家體系的武力脅迫機制。運用學者Michael BlakeThomas Nagel提出的分配正義理論,本文首先認為這種武力脅迫機制正當化全球分配正義的訴求。其次,假設前述結論正確,國際社會中對於戰爭正當性的評估必須納入全球分配正義的考量。當全球貧窮存在時,國際社會的自衛戰爭變成不正當的機制。所以,當全球貧窮存在時,貧窮國家如果發動戰爭攻擊富有國家以實現全球分配正義,富有國家不能正當地防衛自己。


This paper deals with the relationship between war and global distributive justice in international relations. First, by applying Michael Blake and Thomas Nagel's coercion theory of distributive justice to international relations, this paper argues that the coercive nature of international society justifies the demand for global distributive justice because war is an institution to maintain the order of the state system, as Hedley Bull points out. Second, this paper argues that the moral assessment of war in international society should include the consideration of global distributive justice. According to the coercion theory of global justice developed earlier, when global inequality exists, the coercion of international society becomes illegitimate. In this situation, if poor countries were to wage war against rich countries to enforce global justice, rich countries cannot justifiably defend themselves because self-defensive war against the coercive enforcement of global justice is rendered unjust by global injustice in the first place.