
2007年2月7日 星期三

An Electrochemical Intraocular Drug Delivery Device

論文發表人:李柏穎 (加州大學電機所博士班)

本篇論文提出世界第一個可重複填裝之移殖式眼球內微機電供藥系統, 為了避免病患承受反覆手術的痛苦,可重複填裝之移殖式矽膠儲藥槽被設計來接受多次注射針頭穿刺以填裝藥劑. 本系統使用電解驅動微幫浦以提供長期治療所需藥理濃度之藥物來進行治療及可彎曲之對聚二甲苯穿鞏膜供藥管來達成精準供藥至眼內困難到達之區域. 電化學驅動微幫浦能提供適合眼內供藥系統之流速(每分鐘十的負十二公升到每公升十的負六公升). 本裝置以膠囊式封裝技術加以封裝來提供手術移植之使用. 本論文最後同時提出初步動物體外測試之結果報告.

This paper presents the first implantable intraocular MEMS drug delivery device capable of being refilled. To avoid repetitive surgeries, a refillable reservoir constructed of silicone rubber is implanted and capable of withstanding multiple needle punctures necessary for drug refill. The device uses electrolysis-actuated pumping to provide long-term drug treatment at therapeutic levels, and a flexible parylene transscleral cannula for precise targeting of difficult-to-reach areas in the eye. This electrochemically driven micropump provides flow rates suitable for ocular drug delivery (pL/min to μL/min). An encapsulation packaging technique was developed for demonstrating device operation in acute surgical studies. Preliminary surgical results in ex vivo porcine eyes are presented.
