
2007年8月1日 星期三

All-Dielectric Wireless Receiver

論文發表人: 徐家仁 (加州大學洛杉磯分校機所博士班)


本篇論文提出一種新式微波接收器,隨著電磁脈衝武器的威脅日益升高,傳統的射頻及微波接收電路缺乏適當的保護機制,本篇論文結合介電共振天線和光電調變器的原理,展示了一種新型的微波接收器,整個接收器是由全介電材料組成,所以可以承受高功率電磁脈衝的干擾而不被破壞,光學原理的使用更進一步隔離了接收器前端和後端電路,讓電磁脈衝產生的高瞬間電壓無法傳遞到接收器後端,進而確保了後端電路的安全,初期的實驗結果證明了這類新型的接受器可以達到4.3´10-3 V/m∙Hz1/2的電場靈敏度


High Power Microwave (HPM) weapons and other sources of  intense microwave power pose a growing threat to modern RF receivers. To address this problem, an all-dielectric photonic-assisted receiver is proposed and demonstrated. The device consists of a dielectric resonator antenna that concentrates and feeds the signal onto a resonant electro-optic field sensor. The absence of metal interconnects and the charge isolation provided by the optics removes the "soft spots" in a traditional receiver.  In the proof-of-concept experiment, detection of C band electromagnetic signal at 7.38 GHz with a sensitivity of 4.3´10-3 V/m∙Hz1/2 is demonstrated.