
2007年11月20日 星期二

Influences of Parents’ Health and Financial Support to Parents on Women’s Labor Market Withdrawal in Taiwan

發表人: 魏瀅珊 (夏威夷大學社會學系博士班) 


在台灣, 照顧父母仍然視為媳婦或女兒的責任. 文獻顯示,照顧父母所付出的勞力與時間可能降低婦女的參與勞動. 比較台灣婦女勞動參與率, 45-54歲以及55-64, 勞動參與率從60%降低到40%, 約有20%的婦女離開勞動力市場. 本文希望檢視照顧父母的工作是否會影響到婦女選擇離職或是減少工作時間. 此研究使用中研院家庭動態研究2001 2002兩年資料,追蹤3000,年紀在3564歲的受訪者. 研究發現, 只有在父母健康狀況不良的情形下, 婦女會有較高的離職比率或減少目前的工作時間. 如果父母的健康狀況良好, 婦女離職的比率較低, 對父母的照顧則是以給予較多的金錢支助替代實質的照顧工作.  


In Taiwan, taking care of elderly is considered to be the responsibility for daughter or daughter-in-law. Comparing Taiwanese women's labor force participation rates between age 45-54 and 55-64, it shows that the rates are 60% and 40% respectively, about 20% lower for the older cohort women. Previous research shows that elderly parents lead to a significant withdrawal from the labor force for female workers. In this paper, I focus on the relationship between elderly care in the household and female labor force participation in Taiwan. The data is from the "Panel Study of Family Dynamics," which was conducted by the Academic Sinica in Year 2001 and 2002. The sample size is 3000. My findings illustrate that only when elderly health is poor, women would significant reduce their working hours. Employed women are rather offering financial support to their parents, than leaving the labor force and giving the physical caring.