Optical Patterning of Three-Dimensional Carbon Nanotube Microstructures
論文發表人:洪緯璿 (南加大材料科學所博士班)
我們發表一個利用光學非接觸的方法去製作3D微結構於奈米探管上。這方法是利用一1.25微米直徑大小雷射光束,去製做圖形畫結構於高密度垂直生長的奈米探管森林中。我們利用了拉曼光普以及電子顯微鏡去決定燃燒過程的所需的最小雷射能量以及所製作的結構深度。配合高精度的移動平台,我可以利用此方法快速的製作3D的微結構於奈米碳管上。經過雷射的表面處理,我們發現的一些有趣的現象 例如:結構根部被切割 表面密度的改變 以及為奈米粒子的成長行為。這些發現都有助於我們對燃燒製程的理解。由於方法這成無需利用任何的黃光製程有助於擴展奈米碳管的應用於一些對於黃光製程有限制的領域。
We present an optical, non-contact method for patterning three-dimensional carbon nanotube microstructures. In this method, a 1�m diameter focused laser spot is used to burn patterns in dense arrays of vertically grown multiwalled carbon nanotubes. The threshold for laser burnout and the depth of burnout are determined by Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Using a high precision translation stage to control the position of the laser spot on the sample, we create several 3D patterns to illustrate this method's potential use for the rapid prototyping of carbon nanotube microstructures[1]. After laser surface treatment, we observe undercut profiles, changes in nanotube density, and nanoparticle formation, which provide insight into the unique evolution of the nanotube microstructures during the burnout process. This non-lithographic method provides new opportunities for chemically sensitive applications of nanotubes and expands their possible applications into new areas.