The Earlier the Better? Disparate Age Effects on Second Language Phonology and Morphosyntax
論文發表人: 黃萱樺 (加州大學洛杉磯分校教育心理學博士)
The research objectives of the current study were threefold. It aimed to test the validity of the critical period hypothesis (CPH) in second language (L2) acquisition and to examine the age effect across two linguistic dimensions (i.e., phonology and morphosyntax) as well as across different structures within the same dimension. Additionally, the presented study investigated the predictors of the ultimate L2 outcomes in the two linguistic dimensions.
Participants included 118 Mandarin-speaking immigrants in the
Current findings failed to support the CPH in the traditional sense with a specific window of time for L2 learning that closes at puberty. The strength of the age effect was found to vary depending on the particular linguistic dimension and structure under study. Specifically, the phonology dimension was found to be more strongly constrained by the age of arrival variable than the morphosyntax dimension. There were also discrepant degrees of the age effect on different structures within each linguistic dimension. Finally, the predictors for the ultimate outcomes differed for the two linguistic dimensions. Age of arrival, language exposure as well as language learning aptitude contributed to the phonology outcome. In contrast, age of arrival was not a significant predictor for the morphosyntax outcome. The ultimate morphosyntactic attainment was predicted by language exposure and language learning aptitude.