
2010年10月4日 星期一

State Capacity and Primary Education: The Case of the Middle East and North African (MENA), 1960-2001



教育的重要性已無庸置疑,但在現今多數的發展中國家仍未能達到全面基礎教育的基本目標。國家藉由有效的教育政策實施,而達成教育體系的完善,例如免費,義務教育以及國家對於教育預算最低門檻等。然而,鮮少研究探討:在這些法令政策的規定之外,初等教育最終的成果如何依賴國家政府的運作?本文旨在主張,國家僅制訂教育政策是不足以促進全面基礎教育的終極目的,特別在中東北非國家(Middle East and North Africa, MENA)中,我們見到了教育政策的頒佈與最後教育結果產出之矛盾,而本文則提出:「國家能力」限制了國家推行政策效率,進而阻礙學童參與教育的目的。有能力的國家,在政策制訂之外,更能以實際的執行能力,達到高入學率的初等教育目標。本文針對現今多數開發中仍未能達到全面普及化,但極其重要的初等教育為研究目標,以「國家能力」為解釋變數,探討在排除政策制訂後,能力較高的國家較能提昇國內初等教育的參與率。有鑑於中東北非國家特殊的經濟與文化背景,本文選擇該區為個案研究地區,期望能解釋該區在教育表現產出的特殊現象。


The importance of education cannot be emphasized more; however, to date many developing countries still do not achieve the basic goal of universal of primary education which is the most crucial and fundamental root of education. Implementation of education policies, such as free and compulsory education, or minimum education expenditure, regulates a country's education system. However, few studies ask what else a government can do after the inefficiency and inadequacy of relevant policies. In this study, through the case study of the Middle East and North African (MENA) region, we argue that given that a government's commitment to education is important, countries with higher state capacity performance in promoting and reaching higher primary education enrollment rate.