
2008年7月28日 星期一

Nano Electronic Nose: A Hybrid Nanowire / Carbon Nanotube Sensor Array with Integrated Micromachined Hotplates for Sensitive Gas Discrimination

論文發表人: 陳柏江(南加州大學)
本複合型奈米化學感測器陣列是由I2O3奈米線, SnO2奈米線, ZnO奈米線,以及奈米碳管所組成,加上微機電加熱板的輔助,我們成功的展示了新一代的化學感測器用於分辨各種重要的化學氣體。 本研究的重點分述如下:1. 江三種不同的金屬氧化物奈米線與奈米碳管結合在同一個感測晶片上;2. 將微機電加熱板應用在感測晶片上,使得我們可以準確的控制溫度;3. 利用 Principal component analysis (PCA) 分析所得的數據;進以得到相對應的感測圖譜;
本感測陣列能偵測許多重要的工業氣體在不同的濃度和溫度下,例如Hydrogen、Ethanol以及Nitrogen Dioxide;並且成功的展示了對於不同氣體的分辨能力,透過本感測器陣列,我們能獲得到一個有趣的"氣味資料庫"用以分辨許多重要的化學氣體。此外,PCA的分析結果展示了本陣列對於三種被測試的化學氣體的強大分辨能力,并且詳細分析了化學感測結果。結果顯示,將奈米碳管加入金屬氧化物化學感測器提供了強大的分辨力。本本複合型奈米化學感測器陣列有極大的潛力偵測及分辨各種各樣的氣體,包括炸藥和神經毒氣。
A novel hybrid chemical sensor array composed of individual In2O3 nanowires, SnO2 nanowires, ZnO nanowires, and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with integrated micromachined hotplates for sensitive gas discrimination was demonstrated.  Key features of our approach include the integration of nanowire and carbon nanotube sensors, precise control of the sensor temperature using the micromachined hotplates, and the use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for pattern recognition.  This sensor array was exposed to important industrial gases such as hydrogen, ethanol and nitrogen dioxide at different concentrations and sensing temperatures, and an excellent selectivity was obtained to build up an interesting "smell-print" library of these gases. Principal component analysis of the sensing results showed great discrimination of those three tested chemicals, and in-depth analysis revealed clear improvement of selectivity by the integration of carbon nanotube sensors. This nano electronic nose approach has great potential to detect and discriminate a wide variety of gases, including explosives and nerve agents.