
2009年5月12日 星期二

Persons with Down syndrome Can Dance!

論文發表人: 陳志佳 (亞利桑那州立大學人體肌動學系博士班)

Many observations and anecdotes have suggested that persons with Down syndrome (DS) love music and specifically moving to music.  The present pilot study videotaped 10 adults with Down syndrome and 10 mental age-matched participants dancing in response to five different types of music (e.g., Classical/Pop, Jazz).  Our preliminary results suggest that persons with Down syndrome didn't move rhythmically; however, they were more active and did move more to music than mental age matched participants.  While persons with DS had some characteristic movement patterns that were similar with all music types, some persons with DS did adopt specific movement patterns for specific types of music.  Furthermore, they clearly enjoyed what they were doing. We suggested music could be a media to improve their motor learning and development. Further research needs to quantify this love of moving to music.



BART: A novel laboratory-based instrument to quantify preferred limb use in patients after stroke

陳淑雅 (南加州大學/生物肌動暨物理治療研究所博士班)


An objective, reliable and valid measure to capture paretic limb use post stroke is critical to investigations seeking to determine a threshold of limb performance that can be used to predict long-term use. The Motor Activity Log (MAL) is a widely used subjective interview of voluntary arm use in daily life. However, there are limitations: (1) it relies on patients' recall; (2) it takes at least 1 hour to administer; (3) most testing items are not appropriate for discordant (paretic dominant) arm use. A novel laboratory-based measure was developed to quantify limb preference during aiming in a semi-circle workspace, the Bilateral Arm Reaching Test (BART). Twofold Purpose: (1) to develop and parameterize BART; (2) to establish test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of BART in patients post-stroke. The high test-retest reliability suggested that BART is a stable measure. BART has an acceptable validity for capturing voluntary arm use in daily life as indicated by a moderate correlation between AOR and MAL AOU. BART is an objective quantification of voluntary arm use in daily life after stroke. It is easy to administer and may be appropriate for discordant post-stroke patients. Future work: quantification of learned nonuse in patients post-stroke.


一個客觀及兼具信效度可測量日常生活中手功能效用的評估工具,對量化中風治療劑量以決定治療效果門檻的研究來說是非常重要的。近十幾年來,主觀的動態活動日誌(Motor Activity Log; MAL)被廣泛使用來評估日常生活中手功能效用。但是這個評估工具有一些缺點:(1) MAL需要仰賴中風病人的回憶能力;(2) 完成一次MAL所需時間超過1個小時;(3) MAL問卷中大部分的問題不適用在中風後患側手非慣用手的病人身上。在這前提之下,我們發展了一個全新量化中風後日常生活中手功能效用的實驗室評估工具,稱為BART (Bilateral Arm Reaching Test):兩側上肢伸展測試。本實驗主要目的有二:第一,發展可立即迅速調整參數的評估工具BART;第二,建立中風病人使用BART的測試再測試效度及同時效度。實驗結果發現,中風病人使用BART評估手功能效用時,測試再測試信度很高,顯示BART是一個很穩定的實驗室評估工具。此外,以MAL作為同時效度測量指標,我們建立了可接受的評估中風病人手功能效用的效度。整體來說,BART是一個可客觀量化中風病人日常生活中手功能效用的評估工具,且BART是一個簡單操作並可短時間完成測試的實驗室工具,再者BART可能更適用於中風後患側手非慣用手的病人。未來我們來繼續朝著定量中風病人手功能恢復的目標前進。

Language Change in the Taiwanese Speech Community: The myth of hoo

論文發表人: 楊惠玲 (亞利桑那州立大學英文系語言學博士班)

This paper aims at providing insights into linguistic connections among the speech communities in a multi-cultural society, specifically elucidating linguistic variation and language change among three dialects spoken in Taiwan. Although a strict language policy on Mandarin was formerly implemented in Taiwan, local dialects have been passed down by immigrants from China and their offspring. Some characteristics of these dialects have been maintained in spite of intensive language contact, while others have been merged and transformed.

By utilizing dialectology in conjunction with historical linguistics, researchers have been better able to interpret linguistic variation and language change in Chinese. With a theoretical base drawn from historical linguistics and typology, this study focuses on Mandarin and two Southern Chinese dialects (Southern Min and Hakka) in terms of their causative formulation, mainly from the perspective of syntax, semantics and, to a lesser degree, phonology. This paper relies on research methods such as: literature reviews, corpus analyses, and comparative methodologies, as well as interviews with native speakers of the dialects investigated.

This research differs from others in that it looks into speech variations in the Chinese causatives from a historical perspective, mainly syntactic change and primarily grammaticalization, a linguistic event in which a morpheme changes from a lexical to functional category. The other difference in scope is that of the inclusion of more than one dialect. Most previous research on Chinese causatives has dealt with a single dialect.

 A typical causative construction in Chinese is NP1 + V1 + NP2 + V2, where V1 is the causative verb or marker. Derived from shi-yi (使役) causative verbs, the Mandarin morphemes rang and jiao can serve as V1 in causative structures (Chang, 2005). The Mandarin morpheme gei is also often used in this structure as well. These three words have been grammaticalized into causative markers in Modern Standard Chinese. The morphemes hoo in Taiwan Southern Min and bun in Hakka serve the same function in expressing causative constructions; however, hoo and bun allow other functions as well. Other constraints also vary from one language to another.

This paper's research questions are: (1) How do these two dialects differ from Mandarin in forming causative constructions? ; (2) Do they share typological characteristics? ; (3) To what extent have the two other dialects been grammaticalized, compared to Mandarin? ; (4) How do all three grammaticalization pathways compare cross-linguistically? And, (5) How does language contact account for the linguistic variation or change in the speech communities in Taiwan?








論文發表人:  韓文瑋(夏威夷大學語言所博士班)


Constructional theories of grammar propose that grammatical constructions contribute meaning to a sentence beyond that of the individual words. For instance, Goldberg (1995) argues that the ditransitive encodes a transfer-of-possession meaning, while the dative encodes a caused-motion meaning. If grammatical constructions encode meaning in a psychologically real way, then there should be measurable differences in how individual language users interpret dative versus ditransitive sentences. For instance, ditransitive and dative constructions should evoke measurably different mental simulations in understanders. In particular, understanders should more intensely mentally simulate a path when processing a dative sentence than when processing a ditransitive one. Results from a behavioral study showed that participants performed significantly longer physical movements while processing dative sentences, as compared with ditransitive sentences. This suggests that dative sentences more strongly activate path representations in understanders than do ditransitive sentences, confirming the notion that grammatical constructions contribute meaning to the utterances they occur in.





Optimal Stopping Problem with Offers from One of Two Possible Distributions

論文發表人: 李妍明(南加州大學工業工程系博士班) 

 We introduce an optimal stopping problem for selling an asset when the fixed but unknown distribution of successive offers is either f1 or f2. The seller has to decide whether to stop or to continue after receiving an offer. A dynamic programming model and some heuristic optimal policies are presented. Using simulation, the performances of the heuristic methods are evaluated and an upper bound for the optimal expected return is derived. We then present a variant of this problem in which the seller now has to set up a reserve price before offers come in. We show that the optimal solution can be obtained by linear programming.



2009年5月5日 星期二

Constructional Meaning and Mental Simulation

論文發表人:  韓文瑋(夏威夷大學語言所博士班)


Constructional theories of grammar propose that grammatical constructions contribute meaning to a sentence beyond that of the individual words. For instance, Goldberg (1995) argues that the ditransitive encodes a transfer-of-possession meaning, while the dative encodes a caused-motion meaning. If grammatical constructions encode meaning in a psychologically real way, then there should be measurable differences in how individual language users interpret dative versus ditransitive sentences. For instance, ditransitive and dative constructions should evoke measurably different mental simulations in understanders. In particular, understanders should more intensely mentally simulate a path when processing a dative sentence than when processing a ditransitive one. Results from a behavioral study showed that participants performed significantly longer physical movements while processing dative sentences, as compared with ditransitive sentences. This suggests that dative sentences more strongly activate path representations in understanders than do ditransitive sentences, confirming the notion that grammatical constructions contribute meaning to the utterances they occur in.





Automatic Extraction of Road Intersection Position, Connectivity, and Orientations from Raster Maps

論文發表人: 蔣耀毅 (南加州大學資訊科學系博士班)

The road network is one of the most important types of information on raster maps. In particular, the set of road intersection templates, which consists of the road intersection positions, the road connectivities, and the road orientations, represents an abstraction of the road network and is more accurate and easier to extract than the extraction of the entire road network. To extract the road intersection templates from raster maps, the thinning operator is commonly used to find the basic structure of the road lines (i.e., to extract the skeletons of the lines). However, the thinning operator produces distorted lines near line intersections, especially at the T-shaped intersections. Therefore, the extracted position of the road intersection and the road orientations are not accurate. In this paper, we utilize our previous work on automatically extracting road intersection positions to identify the road lines that intersect at the intersections and then trace the road orientations and refine the positions of the road intersections. We compare the proposed approach with the usage of the thinning operator and show that our proposed approach extracts more accurate road intersection positions and road orientations than the previous approach.


Compressed Sensing in MIMO Radar

論文發表人 : 陳俊仰( 加州理工學院電機工程學系博士班)




Compressed sensing is a technique for efficiently sampling signals which are sparse in some transform domain. Recently, the idea of compressed sensing has been used in the radar system. When the number of targets on the range-Doppler plane is small, the target scene can be reconstructed by employing the compressed sensing techniques. In this paper, we extend this idea to the MIMO radar. In the MIMO radar, the compressed sensing technique can be used to reconstruct the target scene when the signals are sparse in the range-Doppler-angle space. To effectively reconstruct the target scene, it is required that the correlation between the target responses be small. In this paper, a waveform design method is introduced to reduce the correlations between target responses. Because of the increased dimensionality in MIMO radars as compared to SIMO radars, the impact of compressed sensing will be very significant there.