Method and Architecture Design for Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation in High-Definition Video Processing
論文發表人: 李彥霖 (加州大學聖地牙哥分校電機與資訊工程研究所博士班)
在這篇論文當中,一個新穎且快速低複雜度的方法被應用在高清(HD)影像增幀的處理上。不像以往傳統高複雜及耗費高度的時間上,這個被提出的方法使用快速一維方向處理且無來回處理來解決高複雜度的問題在高清後處理上。在這個方法當中,使用一個獨特尋找真實動態(True Motion)的引擎來探搜可能的動態候選,再藉由空間上和時間上的統計資料加以判斷取得在高清影片中的真實動態,利用這個真實動態達到增幀的後處理。此外,這個方法上也需用適應性重疊式方塊比對來增加搜尋的正確性及視覺品質。一個以這個方法設計的架構也在此被提出,這個架構在實驗上被驗證可以比傳統的方式提供更高的影像品質,並可以在180 MHz下處理HD1080p 30fps的影片或是在83 MHz下處理 HD720p 30fps的影片。
In this paper, a novel, fast, and low complexity method is proposed for motion compensated frame interpolation (MCFI). Unlike previous works involving high complexity and complicated time-consuming iterations, the proposed method adopts one-pass and low-complexity approach without any repeated iteration and is capable of dealing with high definition (HD) video processing. The proposed method employs a unique true motion engine that explores at most nine motion candidates with different motion directions and then determines one true motion by referring to neighboring spatial information as well as temporal information. Besides, the proposed method introduces an adaptive overlapped block matching algorithm to enhance the searching accuracy and visual quality. An architecture design is also proposed, which employs a modified multi-level successive eliminate algorithm (MSEA) and has capability to reduce the heavy computation of full search. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm provides better video quality than conventional methods and shows satisfying performanc e for HD1080p 30fps at 180 MHz or HD720p 30fps at 83 MHz.