
2009年10月9日 星期五

When Foreign Brides Became a Mother: Immigrant Women' Motherhood and Exercising of Agency in Taiwan



本質性研究應用黑人女性主義及迪索託(de Certeau)的理論來研究台灣的"外籍新娘"在有了孩子之後,如何建構母職的認同,及實踐母親的角色。15位由東南亞嫁來台的新移民女性受訪,受訪內容包括她們對母職的信念與實踐、及孩子對她們的生命產生的改變。研究發現新移民女性藉由反省母職與性別、階級、種族的關係,主動的建構了特殊的母職認同與教育方式。


This qualitative study investigates how "foreign brides" in Taiwan construct their mother role, exercise their agency from and in their mother role, and arrange their educational practices for their children. Fifteen "foreign brides" from Southeast Asia were interviewed about their mothering beliefs and practices and life changes after they became a mother. This study applies Collin's (2000) Black feminist theory on motherhood and de Certeau's (1984) idea about tactics to explore such a process. The results illustrates how these women negotiated the meaning of mothering and exercising their agency by incorporating and improvising their cultural models (Chao, 1995) in arranging their educational practices for their children through their struggles over gender, class, race, and ecology surrounding them.