
2009年10月5日 星期一

(In)visible Bodily Doubleness of Domesticity and Disabilities in Transnational Marriages: The Vietnamese Brides in Taiwan

論文發表人: 林建廷 (加州大學聖地牙哥分校文學系博士班)


    根據台灣內政部入出國及移民署的數據統計,台灣目前的外籍配偶已經超過四十萬人,而當中越南籍的外籍配偶佔最多數。自八十年代以來,從東南亞前往台灣的移民日漸增多,當中牽涉的不僅是地緣政治的因素,也反映出全球化人口,資本或者文化流動過程中的階序不平等,換言之,這些外籍移民工的流動軌跡說明了全球資本主義的不對等發展下的在地結果與歷史過程,亦即,為了資本快速的累積和市場的擴張,於是大量的仰賴廉價勞動力的輸入,加上地理位置上的親近性,台灣成了東南亞移民工的重要移入地。面對這種新興的移民現象,該論文特別著重在跨國婚姻的移民身分與建構,分析婚姻移民相關的文化社會現象,並以電視劇「別再叫我外籍新娘」的文化身份建構為例,檢視domesticity(家務/馴服) disabilities(殘疾/無能化)的身體疊影,如何透過虛構敘事和文化大眾想像交互作用,進而探討以下幾個面向: 第一,婚姻移民所呈現的身體政治與全球化的性別關係;第二,父權角色在性別與身體形構上的位置,最後反省跨國婚姻當中的家務性和殘疾性的意識形態連結與相互建構過程的雙重壓迫與歧視。


According to the report by the National Immigration Agency, the number of foreign spouses has exceeded 400 thousands in Taiwan, among which the number of Vietnamese women occupies the top. The increasing number of new migrants from Southeast Asia to Taiwan since 1980s involves not only the particular geopolitics in the Asian context but also reflects the hierarchical order of globalization in terms of various global flows, especially the movement of people, capital and culture. In other words, the migrant route of these domestic laborers, construction workers and "foreign brides" from the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, or Indonesia to Taiwan is the local/historical as well as social consequences of uneven development in a greater context of the expanding global capitalism. Under the ideology of capitalist developmentalism, the expanding demands for cheaper labour supply provide the primary condition for the expansion of the global market and for the sake of capital accumulation. The geographical proximity among these Asian countries and the rising prosperity of East Asia in the eighties to the nineties has made Taiwan become one of the popular destinations for these migrant workers and marriage immigrants.

With regards to this newly developed diasporic phenomenon in Taiwan, this research mainly focuses on the transnational marriage of Taiwanese men and Vietnamese women as represented in the Taiwanese television drama entitled The Vietnamese Brides in Taiwan (『別再叫我外籍新娘』). By analyzing the socio-cultural phenomenon of immigrant women along with the example of The Vietnamese Brides in Taiwan, I reflects on the interplay of domesticity(the domestic women) and disability(the disabled men) in the construction of transnational marriages through the fictional narratives and popular representation by asking these questions of body politics and globalization in the case of immigrant women, the role of patriarchy in gender and corporeal configuration of bodies, and the ideological linkage of domesticity and disability that comes into play in the transnational marriage in the shade of double-discrimination.