
2010年12月21日 星期二


2010年12月20日 星期一

Political Institutions and the Origin of the Problem of Time-Inconsistency

論文發表人: 林偉修 (克萊蒙研究大學政治與政策所博士班)


政府回應貨幣攻擊的態度決定了貨幣攻擊的結果。近來研究發現,因時序不一致問題引發延遲的貨幣貶值是導致金融危機的主因之一。儘管諸多文獻已揭櫫之間的關聯性,但少有文獻探究該問題的起源。本文認為,時序不一致問題的嚴重程度會隨著民主國家的政治制度設計而有所不同,許多例證已顯示,部分國家能抵禦追求短期利益的引誘進而採取有效政策以解決可能的貨幣危機。準此,本文認為,時序不一致的問題乃是政治制度偏差所致,不同政治制度提供政黨迥異的誘因去追求短期政治利益或追求極大化選票。當選票因制度設計之故與行政部門的形成和政策影響力直接相關時,政府則傾向於追求短期利益,也就是傾向於以延遲貨幣貶值回應貨幣攻擊。為證明此觀點,本文採用Binary Logistic Regression模型評估政治制度對於政府延遲貨幣貶值的影響。該模型衡量19831月至200312月間,48個已開發和開發中國家在121貨幣危機中政府延遲貨幣貶值的狀況。研究結果發現,總統制政府相較內閣制政府更傾向於延遲貨幣貶值;有任期限制(term-limited)的政府相較無任期限制的政府更傾向於延遲貨幣;這些變數在多黨制(multi-party system)相較於兩黨制(two-party system)下的影響在統計上更為顯著。


The attitude of government to respond speculative currency attacks determines the result of attacks. More recently researches have found that delayed optimal remedial measures caused by time-inconsistency problem to government would be one of the reasons behind the occurrence of currency crises. However, despite a large body of work, little attention has been paid to the source of time-inconsistency problem. In fact, time-inconsistency problem varies in terms of the different constitutional design of democratic countries. In many cases, some countries are able to withstand the temptation from obtaining the short-term political benefits and then adopt optimal policies to cope with a currency crunch. This paper argues that time-inconsistency problem is the bias of the design of political institutions, in which different institutional designs would offer political parties distinct incentives to pursue the short-term political benefits or to maximize votes, especially where votes directly involve the establishment of the executive and the policy influence. For testing this argument empirically I would use binary logistic regression model to estimating the impact of political institutions on the timing that countries respond to speculative attacks in a sample of 121 speculative attacks in 48 developed and developing countries with monthly data from January 1983 to December 2003. All other thing being equal, the empirical evidence indicates that delayed devaluation is more likely (1) under presidentialism rather than under parliamentary; (2) under governments with term-limited rather ones without term-limited; (3) under multi-party systems rather than under two-party systems.

Exploring Asynchronous Logic Circuits via 10-nm Wide Silicon Nanowire FETs

論文發表人:黃若谷( 加州理工學院電機系博士班)

在本篇論文中,我們成功地利用僅十奈米寬的單晶矽奈米線,來製備高性能的非同步式邏輯電路 (asynchronous logic circuits) 。由於奈米電子元件具有先天上難以避免的大幅度參數變異量 (large parameter variations),傳統的同步式數位電路 (synchronous logic circuits) 並不適合應用在奈米電子上。而非同步式數位電路的高容錯特性,讓此類電路可以適應奈米電子元件的高參數變異,十分有潛力應用在下一世代的的奈米電子。我們利用本實驗室特有的超晶格奈米線圖形轉換製程 (superlattice nanowire pattern transfer),搭配表面處理 (surface treatment),製作出均勻且低缺陷密度的單晶矽奈米線。將此高品質的單晶矽奈米線應用在電晶體 (transistors) 上,展現了高開關電流比 (on-off current ratio)、高載子遷移率 (carrier mobility)、低汲極誘導能障降低 (drain-induced barrier lowing) 以及元件可再現性 (reproducibility)。我們同時製備了反相器電路 (inverter) 和三級環型震盪器 (three-stage ring oscillator) 來探索電路的靜態和動態特性。我們的反相器電路展現了較任何已發表相關文獻都要高的電壓增益 (voltage gain),並且具有對稱的輸入輸出特性 (matched input/output range)。而我們的三級環型震盪器則展現近乎軌對軌 (rail-to-rail) 的動態輸出特性。證明了我們的奈米單晶矽元件可以更進一步應用在下一代的奈米非同步式數位電路上。 

The speed of synchronous logic circuits, which are the standard of digital circuits, is determined by the worst-case delay of the slowest signal path. Nanoscale synchronous logic circuits could become inefficient because of the long worst-case delay due to the stochastic device variations. Alternatively, asynchronous logic circuits are more robust for nanoelectronics since they are less sensitive to the worst-case delay. We explore silicon nanowire (SiNW) field-effect transistors (FETs) for asynchronous logic applications, via the fabrication and testing of SiNW-based ring oscillators. Arrays of 10-nm wide SiNWs are fabricated by using the superlattice nanowire pattern transfer technique. We report on doping methods, as well as SiNW surface treatments, for producing SiNW FETs that exhibit high performance in terms of large on/off-state current ratios (~108), high carrier mobilities (~269 cm2/V/s), low subthreshold swing (~84 mV/dec), low drain-induced barrier lowering (~30 mV/V) and device-to-device reproducibility. The SiNW inverter demonstrates a sharp transition, high noise margins and the highest voltage gain (~148) reported for a SiNW based NOT gate. The 3-stage SiNW ring oscillator exhibits spontaneous oscillation centered at 13.4 MHz with near rail-to-rail output swing.  Both static and dynamic characteristics indicate that these SiNW-based FETs circuits are excellent candidates for asynchronous nanoelectronics.

Racializing Classifications in Homosexual Encounters: Rice Queen as an Example

論文發表人:江河清 (加州州立大學洛杉磯分校人類學碩士班)


「米皇后(rice queen)」一詞常被用來指稱喜歡亞洲人的非亞裔男同志。本文藉由檢視這一詞在男同志社群的使用與意涵,進而探討種族與情慾實踐的關連。米皇后的形象常常是負面的:相對於他們的亞裔伴侶,他們通常比較老、比較富裕,在情慾關係上也比較強勢;他們追求具異國風味的、年輕的、窮的、陰柔、馴服,甚至是女性化的亞洲男孩。於是他們權力身份不對等的伴侶關係也遭受許多質疑,被認為不如那些同種族、近年齡、相似社會經濟地位的同性伴侶關係。然而,我的研究首先指出在同志社群中米皇后一詞的使用說明了我們如何把人放置於一個種族化的身份位置上所進行的分類與情慾實踐;這樣的個人實踐維持並複製了既有的預設種族界線與階序。我的訪談資料顯示,這些被稱作米皇后的男同志們的情慾關係其實跟其他男同志的生活並沒有太多差異,他們跟他們的伴侶都必須協商經濟能力、性別/情慾角色,他們幾乎都並不符合既有的刻板形象。米皇后一詞的使用其實是一系列的論述,藉由邊緣化喜歡亞裔的非亞裔男同志,間接除斥亞裔於主流男同志社群。然而,我的研究也發現有部分男同志藉由重新詮釋米皇后一詞,並以此自稱,企圖顛覆污名化的論述。不過,並不是每一個人都有同樣的文化資本進行顛覆,永遠都有人害怕既有的污名,也繼續被污名。


This paper explores the politics of race and sexuality among gay men by examining the use and implication of the term "rice queen," a label used to describe non-Asian gay men who sexually prefer Asians. Very often, the term rice queen manifests a stereotypical image of an imbalanced power relationship in which older, wealthy, dominant non-Asian males—especially Caucasians—seek exotic sexual encounters with young, poor, submissive, and somewhat feminine gay Asians. This type of sexual relationship is therefore considered problematic or inferior to others in which partners are of the same ethnic background and social class. However, I argue that the use of the term rice queen not only identifies a racialized form of sexual desire among gay men, but also positions individuals and classifies sexual relationships in order to maintain the assumed racial boundary and hierarchy. My interviews with people involved in Asian/non-Asian sexual relationships show that they do not often fit the stereotypes of rice queen's relationships, and that, like most gay couples, they also negotiate their financial, gendered, and sexual roles with their partners. The stereotype and allegation of imbalanced power relationships between rice queens and their Asian partners are actually a series of discourses which reinforce the marginalized positions of Asians and people attracted to Asians from the mainstream, Caucasian-dominated, youth-oriented gay community. Moreover, although a few young non-Asian gay men have started to confront and challenge the stereotype of the Asian/non-Asian gay relationship by reinterpreting and celebrating the term rice queen, I suggest that not all people have the same cultural capital to refer to themselves as rice queens, and that there are still gay men left marginalized and afraid of the stigma.

2010年12月15日 星期三

Racial disparities in psychiatric outcomes among parenting women in treatment for substance abuse



先前研究指出,有藥物濫用問題的母親在生活中許多方面都需要協助。本研究主要探討這些母親參加藥癮治療後,心理精神症狀的改善情況是否有種族間的差異。方法:研究樣本為參加加州13個縣的藥癮治療計畫的917位懷孕或育有18歲以下子女的母親。研究對象分別在進入治療時、和參加治療九個月之後,接受成癮嚴重度指標評量。本研究以描述性統計、共變數分析、以及邏輯斯迴歸檢視525位白人、180位非裔、以及212位拉丁裔母親在精神症狀方面的改變與差異。研究結果:在開始參與治療時,白人女性的精神成癮嚴重度比非洲裔及拉丁裔女性高 (0.29 vs.0.23 vs. 0.21; p<0.01)。而在進入治療後第九個月的追蹤評估則顯示,每個族群的精神成癮嚴重度在參加治療後都有改善,且在控制初入治療時的精神成癮嚴重度後,各種族的精神成癮嚴重度不再有顯著差異。此外,在進入治療時,有較高比例的白人母親有理解困難、專注、記憶、和自殺意念等精神症狀,但是在接受治療九個月後,我們以統計方法控制初入治療時的精神症狀,結果顯示,這些症狀都不再呈現種族間的差異。結論:此研究顯示,白人、非裔、及拉丁裔研究對象的精神症狀在接受藥癮治療後都獲得改善,尤其白人女性在接受治療後的改善最明顯。


Background: Substance-abusing parenting women have problems in needs of help in many key life domains. This study focused on racial differences in psychiatric outcomes among parenting women in treatment for substance abuse problems. Methods: Subjects were 917 parenting women (with children under age 18) admitted to substance-abusing treatment programs in 13 counties across California. The Addiction Severity Index was administered at treatment intake and the 9-month follow-up. Descriptive, ANCOVA, and Logistic Regression analyses were conducted to examine differences among white (n=525), Black (n=180), and Hispanic (n=212) women in their psychiatric outcomes. White women reported a higher ASI psychiatric severity score than Black and Hispanic women at intake (0.29 vs.0.23 vs. 0.21; p<0.01). At the 9-month follow-up, the ASI psychiatric score for each racial group decreased (0.14 vs.0.17 vs. 0.12), and there was no significant racial difference in the ASI psychiatric score at the follow-up, controlling for the baseline ASI psychiatric score. In addition, White parenting women demonstrated a significantly higher percentage of trouble understanding, concentrating, or remembering, and suicide thoughts in previous 30 days at treatment intake than Blacks and Hispanics. However, there was no significant racial difference in symptoms of trouble understanding, concentrating, or remembering, and suicide thoughts, controlling for the baseline psychiatric symptom status. Conclusion: Findings indicated that for all racial groups, psychiatric problems decreased after substance abuse treatment. White parenting women especially benefited from the treatment as they demonstrated greatest improvement after treatment.

Mandarin “到” as a telicity indicator

論文發表人: 楊惠玲 (亞利桑那州立大學英文系語言學博士班)



(1)    你發現到了嗎?

a.     你發現「到」這個字了嗎?

b.     你發現到(某件事)了嗎?


(2)    我在聽阿妹的歌。

(3)    我聽到阿妹的歌。

Vendler (1967)及其他學者將find「發現」歸類為瞬成動詞,因此即便沒有「到」,句(4)仍舊合法。

(4)    我發現一個有趣的現象。


(5)    我發現到一個有趣的現象。


(6)    你此刻正在发现着未来的幸福。(Google例句)

本研究指出「發現」此字進一步詞彙化,失去其有界性。「到」添加於有界動詞之後同時也顯示該字為有界標記(telicity marker)且為語法之一部份。


This paper attempts to tackle the phenomenon of the telic marker -dao attaching to an already telic verb in Mandarin, as in (1b). My version of Mandarin grammar is (1a), without dao as a suffix.

(1)    你發現到了嗎? ni   fa-xian-dao       le      ma?

a.     'Did you find 'dao' as a word?'

b.     'Did you find (something)?'

Mandarin dao is used to turn an activity verb into achievements as in (2).

(2)    wo   ting           dao          A-Mei      de    ge.

        1sg   listen DAO        (name)      DE   song

        'I heard A-Mei's song.'

According to Vendler (1967), find falls under the category of verbs of achievements. Thus, (3) is grammatical without dao.

(3)    Wo   faxian       yi      ge     you.qu              de    xian-xiang.

        1sg   find           one   CL   interesting DE   phenomenon

        'I found an interesting phenomenon.'

It seems that these disyllabic words are inherently telic and thus dao is not required to mark telicity. One could then predict that dao is only needed in monosyllabic words as in (2). However, this prediction is not borne out since dao can also be suffixed to achievement verbs, as in (4).

(4)    wo   faxian       dao          yi      ge     you.qu              de    xian-xiang.

        1sg   find           DAO        one   CL   interesting DE   phenomenon

        'I found an interesting phenomenon.'

I checked the occurrence of [faxian 'to find' + -dao] from the Taiwan Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Mandarin and surprisingly did not find a single entry. However, Google search showed many instances of faxian-dao sentences.

To see how much farther faxian has become grammaticalized, I then further checked its compatibility with the progressive markerzai. Again, the modern Mandarin corpus (Taiwan) does not have any of such an entry as '在發現'. Although this combination doesn't seem to occur productively, from my Google search I did find examples shown as in (5). This is another piece of evidence supporting my argument that faxian is losing its telicity.

(5)    你此刻正在发现着未来的幸福

        Ni    cike  zheng        zai    faxian       zhe           wei.lai       de    xing.fu

        2sg   now  right          ZAI  find           ZHE         future        DE   welling-being

        'You're finding future well-beings.'

To sum up, this study provides evidence that dao is syntactically motivated.

My findings show that the unexpected appearance of dao in (3) shows that the verb faxian has further lexicalized and lost its achievement property in the new grammar of speakers. The process also shows grammaticalization as the verb reanalyzed and moving to a new position, which is "up" in the syntactic tree.

Motherhood, social capital, and cultural capital:“A case study on “foreign brides” in Taiwan

論文發表人: 陳姿憓(亞利桑那州立大學教育心理學糸)


因為全球化, 從東南亞來的外籍新娘也藉由婚姻來到台灣。在過去二十年中,10%的台灣男生娶了外籍新娘。不幸的是,這些外籍新娘在台灣多處於中下的社會階級,也被歧視為為了錢才嫁來台灣。關於外籍新娘母職實踐的研究也付之闕如。本文章運用皮耶·布迪厄的資本理論,旨在研究外籍新娘在母職實踐中,她們的社會資本與文化資本如何隨著母親這個身份而轉變。研究方法是用1-5小時的民族誌方式的訪談來了解受訪者對母實職踐的經驗。研究發現指出,外籍新娘因著母親這個身份,多了許多新的生活經驗;透過這些新的經驗與機會,得以擴展生活認識新的朋友,也增加自己的文化資本與社會資本。本研究發現可幫助相關人員更了解外籍新娘在母職實踐中所遇到的困難,進而制訂出有效幫助她們與家庭的政策,也能打破一些對於外籍新娘的迷思。


Because of globalization, there is a group of marriage migrants constituted by Southeast Asian women who are married to foreigners through marriage brokers in order to pursue a better future. In the past two decades, there are averagely 10% of marriages involving these women in Taiwan and they are called "foreign brides." They are discriminated against as uneducated gold diggers and trapped in a lower social class due to the racial and sexual minority status. When "foreign brides" assume their mother role, their status in family and society shifts for various reasons including the changes of their resources they gain from motherhood.Thus, this study aims to utilize Bourdieu's theory of capital to explore the complex interrelationships among "foreign brides'" social, cultural, and economic capital in motherhood. "Foreign brides", by virtue of their mothering responsibilities, use various opportunities through official and unofficial sectors to build their social and cultural capital. Ethnographic interviews ranging from one to five hours were conducted with twenty five "foreign brides" from Southeast Asia. Participants were interviewed to share their views and experiences of social network, job, education, interaction with children's school teacher, and the changes of such aspects before and after they had children. The interrelationships among all forms of capital are specifically examined. The findings are expected to contribute to the understanding of the configurations of resources "foreign brides" have and lack in motherhood from their own perspective. Hence, this study can contribute to policy implications and deconstruct the myths and discrimination against "foreign brides".

Staging Martial Heroine: Bio-politics, Gender, and the Ambiguous Body



本文研究冷戰時期台灣在國家慶典被廣泛展演的一個類法西斯奇觀: 以女英雄為主題的舞蹈與身體展演。根據政治哲學家傅柯以及阿岡本對於生命政治與身體政治的討論,本文探索國家如何要求人民內化其威權治理並公開地體現國家的權力,以及在此內化與展現過程中,女性的身體如何被運用來象徵性地定義與再定義兩種對立形象之間的模糊界線:神聖光榮的國家女英雄對比醜惡敗德的女共匪。經由對台灣早期「花木蘭」舞蹈展演論述以及有「現代花木蘭」之稱的軍方「女青年服務大隊」的剖析,本文試圖論述,藉由為國家展演陽剛性,女性舞蹈身體鞏固其在國族論述幻象中的神聖主體位置,但弔詭的是,女性身體之曖昧性也隨時在威權治理中被翻轉陳述。


This paper focuses on the dance performances of martial heroine, a semi-Fascist spectacle which was widely presented in national ceremonies, in the Cold War Taiwan. Drawing the discussions from Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben, I investigate how the nation-state required its people to internalize and to embody its power publicly and how female body was symbolically employed to define and redefine the line between sacred Chinese citizens and impure "communist bandits". By these analyses, I argue that, by performing masculinity, female dancing body secured its position as the sacred subject that visualized the fantasy of the nation-state.



The Representation of People of Color in TYA’s Dramatic Literature

論文發表人: 蔡依仁 (亞利桑那州立大學戲劇系博士班)




People of color are historically under-represented in the field of TYA. The purpose of this panel discussion is to examine and explore/discuss the representation and future of people of color in TYA's dramatic literature. Some of our research questions are: How are people of color represented in TYA historically and contemporary? Are there general themes and subjects regarding people of color in TYA? What aspects are flourishing and which are lacking in TYA's dramatic literature? What is next for people of color in TYA? The subjects are focusing on Asian, Asian-American, African American, and Hispanic/Latino American.







Disparity estimation is crucial to multiview video coding (MVC), which has attracted much attention recently. In the MVC reference software, named JMVM, the global disparity vector (GDV) was estimated by frame matching on spatial neighbor views. In this paper, a scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) based disparity estimation method is proposed to estimate the GDV. The experimental results show that benefits on peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and saved bits can be obtained by adopting our proposed method compared to the JMVM method that was often used.

Men's Trophy in War: Female Body and the Performance of Masculinity in Anti-Communist Play

論文發表人:王俐文 (加州大學爾灣分校戲劇研究所博士班)




After its retreat to Taiwan in 1949, the Kuomintang government started anti-communist movement on the land of Taiwan. During the decades of 1950s and 1960s, the government provided huge amount of awards to lure art workers into serving for the government's political stand. Artists were encouraged to create anti-communist art works of various genres. Under the political guideline of anti-communism, drama had reached its great achievement in Taiwan. According to Mangui Li's estimation, more than 3,000 plays had been created during those two decades. Considering the terrible post-war economy and livelihood, such cultural achievement in drama and theater seems something to be proud of. Although this theatrical genre is much criticized by dramatists nowadays for its overwhelming political ideology; nevertheless, the popularity of anti-communist play in Taiwan in the 1950s was an undeniable historical fact. Thus, anti-communist play cannot and should not be examined merely as a political propaganda. Its existence reflected a historical reality that was inseparable from the cultural, social, as well as political reality in Taiwan in the first two decades after the retreat. Moreover, in anti-communist play, the confrontations between the Kuomintang government and the Chinese Communist Party are condensed into inharmonious gender relationship: All too often, innocent female civilians are sexually violated by the communists when the political confrontations occur. On one hand, the dramatic plot of raping female civilians demonizes the image of Chinese Communist Party; on the other hand, it also projects heroic images upon the soldiers who serve for the Kuomintang government and revenge for the female victims. In other words, in anti-communist play, female body is the locale where both political confrontations and masculinity competitions take place.

Low Temperature Bonding to 304 Stainless Steel for High Temperature Electronic Packages

沙竹軒 (加州大學爾灣分校材料暨製造科技博士班)


本篇研究中,於不使用助熔劑的低溫環境下,成功的運用銀銦雙合金系統在矽晶片和304不鏽鋼基板間以及兩片304不鏽鋼基板間形成完美鍵結. 於鍵結構思中,我們使用電鍍法在304不�鋼基板上形成多層銀銦結構.雖然嘗試了許多電鍍步驟及溶液,仍然無法直接將銀電鍍在304不�鋼基板上.目前為止,最成功的方法是先將一層鎳電鍍在304不�鋼基板上,再將一層銀電鍍在鎳上,形成不�鋼//銀結構.而如果在鍵結過程中,晶粒成長是必要的話,我們會對不�鋼//銀基板進行退火處理來增大銀的晶粒.在掃描式電子顯微鏡的觀察下,證明了幾乎完美的鍵結形成於矽晶片和304不�鋼鐵基板間以及兩片304不�鋼基板間.鍵結處是由銀,銀銦固熔體,三銀化銦,以及二銀化銦組合而成.鍵結溫度僅有190C而鍵結處的熔點可高於650C.我們期望這個新穎的鍵結方法能對高溫電子構裝有貢獻,同時,也能對於低溫304不�鋼鍵結有所幫助.


In this study, silicon (Si) chips were bonded to 304 stainless steel (SS) substrates using silver-indium (Ag-In) binary system without any use of flux. 304SS substrates were also bonded to 304SS substrates to develop low temperature fluxless processes to bond and seal two 304SS parts together. In the bonding design, Ag and In were deposited separately in layered structure. Various processes and solutions were experimented to plate Ag on 304SS. We have not found the process that could plate Ag directly on 304SS without an intermediate layer. So far, the most successful intermediate layer is nickel (Ni). Thus, Ni was plated on 304 SS, followed by Ag. The resulting 304SS substrates were annealed to increase Ag grain size if grain growth is needed for successful bonding. Nearly perfect joints were produced on Si to 304SS bonding and 304SS to 304SS bonding. The resulting joints are composed of Ag, Ag-rich solid solution (Ag), Ag3In, and Ag2In. The joints were fabricated at only 190oC of bonding temperature. The melting temperature of the joints exceeds 650oC. This new bonding process should be valuable for packaging electron devices that need high operating temperature. It is also useful for bonding 340SS parts together at low temperature.

2010年12月14日 星期二

Lost Generation in the City: Spatial Subjectivity in Fruit Chan's Made in Hong Kong

余淡如 加州大學河濱分校比較文學系


本文探討香港因九七而躍起的本土電影中十分關注的兩個主題: 創傷以及即將消失的日常性。九七前後的香港電影由於本土意識的提昇加上面對回歸中國的種種想像,形成一方面對九七回歸的渴望與另一方面對九七後香港主體性即將失落的不安。陳果電影中即運用即將邁入成年的青少年們來比喻香港的現在與未來,少年對未來的無知與迷惘,以及對成人的不信任指出對回歸中國的不安。<香港製造>中的建築物與城市空間也表現出城市生活中不斷被分割與疏離的城市人。陳果運用切割的影像與城市空間中市區與郊區的對立描繪在面對一個主體性轉變的時刻人們的無知與不在乎。本文探討影像中的城市與其關注的國族想像來探討身分認同的多重性以及不確定性。


Made in Hong Kong was originally shot in 1996 with amateur actors and left-over film from different studios. However, when released in 1997, this low-budget film gathers numerous domestic and international awards, becoming the miracle of the film industry after the 1997 turnover ceremony. The director, Fruit Chan, is characterized by his keen political and social concerns with his special attention to the lower-class in Hong Kong. The reason for the film's popularity perhaps also lies in its keen connection to Hong Kong's social and political reality. Made in Hong Kong presents a gradually alienating city where the future generation loses their way. With a close examination of camera work, sound and editing style, I argue that the alienation factor of the city space and the lost generation that seems to trapped in the social reality represent Chan's concern and resistance to Hong Kong's unknown future.


鄧祥伶/ University of Southern California/ Division of Biokinesiology  


異常的髕骨位置已被認為是可能造成髕股疼痛症候群的原因之一。過去的研究顯示, 股骨滑車形狀可能影響髕骨位置。本研究的目的在於利用核磁共振影像建立髕骨位置與股骨滑車形狀的相對關係。三十六個受測者參在膝蓋彎曲0度、 20度、40度及60度,並且承重25%體重的情況下,透過1.5T核磁共振影像系統截取橫切面髕股關節影像。Pearson相關係數顯示股骨外側滑車傾斜角度和髕骨外移與外傾程度在四個膝蓋彎曲角度均有顯著的相關性。股骨滑車角度則未與任何髕骨位置在任何角度有顯著的相關性。由於股四頭肌的收縮帶動髕骨的外移與外傾。因此,外側滑車傾斜角度可能對髕骨位置扮演較重要的決定性角色。本研究結果支持股骨外側滑車傾斜角度和髕骨位置有較佳的相關性。因此,股骨外側滑車傾斜角度可做為異常髕骨位置的預測因子。


Altered patella alignment has been proposed as an etiologic factor associated with patellofemoral pain. Previous studies have suggested the geometry of femoral trochlea plays an important role in determining patellar kinematics. The purpose of the current study was to determine whether the depth of the trochlear groove or the height of the lateral anterior femoral condyle better correlates with lateral patella displacement and tilt as assessed using MRI.

Thirty-six females participated in this study. A 1.5T MR system was used to obtain axial plane images of the patellofemoral joint, using a fat suppressed FSPGR pulse sequence. Each subject was imaged at four knee flexion angles (0o, 20o, 40o, 60o). A nonferromagnetic loading device permitted imaging to be performed during unilateral knee extension in the supine position (25% of body weight). Measures of patellar alignment and femoral trochlear geometry were examined on the image containing the widest patella. Lateral patella displacement was quantified using the bisect offset. Lateral patella tilt was assessed using the patella tilt angle. The depth of the trochlear groove was measured using the sulcus angle. The height of the lateral anterior femoral condyle was measured using the lateral trochlear inclination angle. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to examine the association between measures of patella alignment and femoral trochlear geometry at each knee flexion angle.

Significant correlations between lateral trochlea inclination and patellar alignment were found across all flexion angles. No significant correlations were observed between the SA and measures of patellar alignment for any knee flexion angle.

The fact that the patella gets pulled laterally with quadriceps contraction (owing to the quadriceps angle), suggests that the lateral femoral is more important than the medial anterior femoral condyle in providing patella stability. In contrast, the sulcus angle takes into consideration the shape of the entire femoral trochlea (including the medial anterior femoral condyle).

The findings of this study suggest that the geometry of the lateral anterior femoral condyle is better associated with patellar alignment than the geometry of entire trochlear groove. As such, the lateral trochlear inclination angle should be used to evaluate potential structural factors that may underlie patella malalignment in persons with patellofemoral pain.

The effects of L1, orthographic regularity and consistency in naming Chinese characters

論文發表人:林金錫 (加州大學爾灣分校教學研究所博士班)


The present study examined the influence of Chinese character's features (frequency, regularity and consistency) on the speed and accuracy with which they were read by two groups of adult Chinese learners. Twenty-two English-speakers (EL1) and 31 Japanese-speakers (JL1) studying Chinese at a Taiwanese University read 130 Chinese characters, presented individually, that varied along the dimensions of regularity, consistency, number of strokes and familiarity (frequency with which they appeared in instructional texts). The results suggest that lexical features, such as regularity and consistency play an important role in reading a non-alphabetic language, such as Chinese. Furthermore, differences between JL1 and EL1 participants suggest that the L1 writing system may influence Chinese character learning. Finally, language proficiency of Chinese language learners also has an impact on naming Chinese characters.


這篇研究檢驗漢字特性  (頻率、規則性與一致性) 在兩組中文學習者 (日文或英文為母語者) 對漢字認讀速度與正確性的影響。在一所台灣大學學習中文的22位英文為母語者與31位日文為母語者,他們唸讀130個漢字,這些漢字有不同的規則性、一致性、筆順和熟悉度 (熟悉度指的是他們學過與否)。結果顯示漢字的特性,如:規則性和一致性,在閱讀非字母語言,如中文,扮演重要的角色。此外,以日文與以英文為母語的學生之間的差異表示第一語言的文字系統可能會影響漢字學習。最後,中文語言流利程度也對漢字認讀產生影響。

PRoPHET+: An Adaptive PRoPHET-Based Routing Protocol for Opportunistic Network

論文發表人: 黃廷愷 (加州大學河濱分校資訊科學系博士班)


我們針對隨機網路提出了一個新的路由協定,稱之為PRoPHET+。這個路由協定可以最大化成功傳輸的機會並最小化傳輸的延遲。PRoPHET+會依據每個封包去計算其傳遞值(deliverability value)來決定其路由路徑。這個傳遞值是由五種特性加權之後加總而成,其中包含了緩衝區大小(buffer size),電量大小(power),所在位置(location),活躍程度(popularity), 以及經由原本 PRoPHET所計算得到的預測值。儘管目前我們針對每個特性所使用的權重值是基於性質上的考量, PRoPHET+仍然可以依據不同環境去調整各特性的權重來達到最佳的效果。我們的實驗結果也說明了PRoPHET+可以比現行的PRoPHET有更佳的表現。


We propose PRoPHET+, a routing scheme for opportunistic networks designed to maximize successful data delivery rate and minimize transmission delay. PRoPHET+ computes a deliverability value to determine the routing path for packets. Deliverability is calculated using a weighted function consisting of evaluations of nodes' buffer size, power, location, popularity, and the predictability value from PRoPHET. Even though the proposed PRoPHET+'s weights are chosen based on qualitative considerations, it is possible for PRoPHET+ to perform even more efficiently in various environments by shifting the weights accordingly. Our simulation illustrates that PRoPHET+ can perform better or equal to the routing protocol PRoPHET if logical choices for weights are used.

Bonding/Barrier Layers on Bismuth Telluride (Bi2Te3) for High Temperature Applications



在這個研究中,我們識別不同材料並研發了碲化鉍熱電材料在高溫運用上的連接與阻絕層。我們嘗試了以鈀、鎳、鎳/金、銀、鈦/金等不同的材料沈積在碲化鉍上,並以掃描式電子顯微鏡與能量散射X射線光譜儀分析。研究結果顯示,以熱蒸發沈積之100奈米鈦/100奈米金覆合層有最好的功能。這層鈦/金覆合層有良好的階梯覆蓋率且與其下方的碲化鉍有良好的附著性。而且,此覆合層也與其上方的銀接合層有著良好的鍵結能力。在我們進一步的加熱測試分析中也發現,此鈦/金覆合層能夠在250下運作200小時候仍維持其作為一個阻絕層的良好效果,禁止其自身與上方的結合材料,銀、鎳、金等擴散進入碲化鉍 。另外,這整個連接層與阻絕層的結構也能承受結合製程過程中因熱膨脹系數差異所造成的應力。因此,此研究成功的研發一個碲化鉍熱電材料高溫運用之有效的連接與阻絕層。


In this research, a fundamental study is conducted to identify the materials and processes for producing bonding/barrier composites on Bi2Te3 for high temperature thermoelectric applications. Pd, Ni, Ni/Au, Ag, and Ti/Au were deposited and evaluated using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). A thermal evaporated, 100nm Ti/100nm Au composite gave the most promising result. The Ti/Au thin films have a good step coverage and bonding to Bi2Te3.  They also bond well to a thick electroplated Ag over-layer. No Ti or Au diffusion into Bi2Te3 was observed even after annealing at 250ºC for up to 200 hours. The whole barrier structure also sustains CTE mismatch between the alumina substrate and Bi2Te3 chip during the bonding process.