
2007年6月25日 星期一

Syntactic functioning in non-language areas of the brain



大腦的演化,是從原始的「皮質下區域」──包含本研究所探討的基底神經節 (basal ganglia)──發展至具有高等認知功能的「新皮質」。由於人類在物種演化史上是最高等的生物,語言又為人類所獨有,因此幾乎所有從事語言研究的人都很自然地認為人類的新皮質就是語言的所在地。也因此,自1861年布洛卡(Broca)發現左腦第三腦回的損傷會導致語法缺失以來,許多繼之而起的語言研究,也就將重心放在新皮質,尤其是傳統的布洛卡語言區(Broca's area);而皮質下區域也就一直被界定為僅具運動功能的原始區域。然而,愈來愈多的研究顯示,皮質下區域其實扮演了複雜的角色。以基底神經節為例,此區域可能負責與排序有關的認知功能。而對於帕金森症病人的研究更顯示,此腦區可能與語言的語句處理有著密切的關係。既然語句的產生是要將不同的詞組做一排序,向來被視為「非語言區」的基底神經節,也許在語句的排序上扮演著舉足輕重的角色。為解答此疑惑,本研究以功能性磁振造影觀察正常人在使用句法時這個腦區的活動情形。實驗結果顯示,基底神經節的尾核頭側以及布洛卡語言區在組成階層性句法結構的排序過程中,扮演了重要的角色。由於「階層性」被視為是人類語言迥異於其他動物溝通系統的分野,此發現推翻了基底神經節只是負責運動功能的想法,也進一步將傳統對於大腦語言表徵的論點,做一修正。


Decades of exploration in animals has led most language researchers to believe that syntax is unique to humans.  Great emphasis has been placed on the newly-evolved neocortex, especially language areas such as Broca's area, and the role that non-neocortex may play in language has been minimized, if not totally neglected.  However, recent studies show that Parkinson's disease patients have difficulty in sentence processing.  These patients' language areas are intact, but they have damage to their basal ganglia (BG)—non-neocortical brain structures subserving motor function.  If language is indeed a newly evolved feature of humans, the involvement of these "primitive" brain regions needs further exploration.  This project intends to use event-related functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to study the involvement of the BG in language.  Previous research has demonstrated that the BG are implicated in building up sequences of behavior into meaningful, goal-directed repertoires.  We hypothesize that, since producing a sentence involves arranging syntactic constituents into a sequence that expresses the speaker's intention, the BG should be recruited during a sentence production task.  Our study demonstrates that the head of caudate nucleus (part of the BG), together with Broca's area, take part in the sequencing of hierarchical syntactic structure.  This finding suggests that language (or more specifically, sentence production) may share a common base with other non-linguistic functions, which may contribute to the hot debate on the (non)specificity of language.

Mass Transfer and Biofilm Detection for Degradation of Phenol in Hollow Fiber Membrane Bioreactors



建立微孔性中空纖維膜生物反應器模組 (HFMBR) 以探討Psudomonas putida CCRC 14365對酚之生物降解,模組中的聚丙烯纖維先經過乙醇潤濕為親水性膜。主要探討不同酚濃度(100 3000 mg/L)對降解速率及細胞生長之影響。結果顯示,當細胞被中空纖維膜固定化及與廢水端分開時, P. putida細胞能在92小時內完全降解3000 mg/L的酚。為瞭解中空纖維膜生物反應器模組中酚的傳送,算出從管側穿過薄膜至殼側酚的總質傳係數的理論值及實驗值。建立中空纖維生物反應器的生物膜質傳模式,以零次方平板模式(zero-order flat sheet model) 預測反應器的去除率其修正係數 R2 可達0.94對這個零次方平板模式各個重要參數作敏感度測試,發現去除率與生物膜的相關參數有很強的函數關係,尤其是當生物膜的生物量密度及擴散係數下降時,去除率會呈現線性下降的趨勢。


The degradation of phenol (100-3000 mg/L) by the cells of P. putida CCRC 14365 in a microporous hollow fiber membrane bioreactor (HFMBR) was studied, in which the polypropylene fibers were prewetted with ethanol. The concentrations of phenol on phenol degradation and cell growth were focused. The cells of P. putida fully degraded 3000 mg/L of phenol within 92 h when the cells were immobilized and separated by the fibers. The mass transfer of phenol across the membranes was estimated by theoretical and experimental study. Biofilm model of the HFMBR was created. The zero-order flat sheet model fit the data well, correlation coefficient R2 = 0.94. Sensitivity analysis of the zero-order model indicated that removal was a strong function of the biofilm phase. It is especially for biomass density and also for the biofilm diffusion coefficient, with both values downward resulting in linear decreased removal rates.


Learning New Gender Discourses and Repositioning the Self in Second Language Acquisition



學習第二語言所產生新的性別對話與自我訂位 近來許多學者對於因學習第二語言所產生的新思想、對話以及性別的重新定位感到興趣這篇論文主要以質化研究深入探討兩位台灣女性留學生在美國學習英文和使用英文的過程中所經歷的性別認同的重新定位此研究採用多元資料驗證法分析資料包含訪談及言談分析研究結果發現這兩位台灣女性留學生經歷明顯的性別認同重新定位尤其是兩種語言表達的形式


Recently, researchers have become interested in how learning a second language may involve "internalization of new gender ideologies and discourses."(Pavlenko, 1998, P. 439) and "transformations of gender performance" (Pavlenko, 2001, P. 133). In this paper, we examine the gender identity repositioning experienced by two Mandarin-speaking Taiwanese female graduate students learning and using English as a second language in the U.S. A triangulation of data sources: semi-structured interviews and audio-recorded conversations were collected. The results suggest that the women experienced gender identity repositioning as a result of living in the U.S. and using English, especially with regard to use of specific language forms in the two languages.

Shedding New Lights on Dictation: A Step towards Improvement

論文發表人: 卜令楨 (亞利安國際大學英語教學系博士班)




The Grammar-translation method is conventionally applied in EFL classrooms with reference to its simplicity of pedagogy as most learners are already familiar with the method. Correspondingly, sentence-level dictation, in which the students mechanically write whatever the teacher says, is viewed as a prevailing activity or measurement of language skills. The improved procedure the author will demonstrate combines the structure-based approach in such a way that it will direct the students to use a particular structure or structures. On the other hand, it will instruct the students to attend to the content, which deals with multiple interests of students and ongoing informative programs. The decision-making dictation consists of asking groups of learners to contextually reconstruct a dictated discourse so as to accumulate as much information and to create as many accurate or acceptable linguistic forms as possible. Likewise, it encourages groups to advocate peer learning and correction, to build up intrinsic motivation and self-confidence, and to use their approximate linguistic competence in an unthreatened environment. In addition, to be beneficial for EFL adult learners, it would be suitable in an ESL situation to apply the approach with the support of developing basic and academic skills as well.

2007年6月21日 星期四

Efficient top-emitting polymeric white light-emitting diodes with improved charge-injection




研究發現經由改善陽極與陰極介面,可以獲得高效率、上發光式之白光高分子發光二極體。在相當低的電流密度下(1.2 毫安培/平方公分),最高效率可以達到11.42 流明/瓦,而顏色座標則顯示在位置 CIE(X=0.35, Y=0.43)。元件結構包含陽極/LEP/陰極,LEP意即是高分子發光材料,在本研究當中採用poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) 並參雜 0.2 wt% Rubrene。結果發現在陽極與陰極的介面當中添加一層超薄的電洞注入層(HTL)和電子注入層(ETL),電子電洞的注入效率呈現顯著的提高。經由光電轉換量測指出效率的提升是來自於電洞躍遷能障的降低,而能障的降低則是由於電洞注入層的添加。


Efficient top-emitting polymeric white light-emitting diodes has been realized by improving charge-injection from both anode and cathode contacts. The device has a structure of anode/LEP/cathode, where light-emitting polymer (LEP) is poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) doped with 0.2 wt% rubrene. It has been found that charge injection was significantly enhanced by adding an ultrathin electron-injection layer (EIL) and hole-injection layer (HIL) into cathode and anode, respectively. Mechanism study with photovoltaic measurement indicates that improved hole-injection is due to the reduction of barrier height, resulted from the addition of HIL. Peak power efficiency of 11.42 lm/watt was achieved at current density 1.2 mA/cm2 with the Commission International de L'Eclairage (CIE) coordinates of (x=0.35, y=0.43).

We Act Out the Stories and Children Love Them

論文發表人: 高美玉 (亞利安國際大學英語教學博士班)




The underlined principle for current teacher education is reflective practice. This paper reports the reflective process as realized by 18 junior English majors in Taiwan in a "TEFL Methodology" course on the basis of a collaborative evaluation model. Special attention is paid to investigating how these nonnative EFL student teachers apply theory into practice in conducting storytelling in an authentic elementary class. Storytelling is considered a convincing teaching technique which should play a central role in EFL or ESL teaching to children. For the purpose of the study, a survey is conducted right after the practicum teaching to collect the elementary school children's feedback toward this learning experience and their attitudes toward English learning. Along with each group's lesson plan, their peer evaluation checklists, and the mentoring teachers' feedback, the student teachers' reflection-on-action journals are analyzed to find their reflection patterns regarding this challenging teaching experience. In addition, a questionnaire filled up at the end of the semester serves to indicate how the student teachers perceive the effectiveness of this training course and their reflective process of learning to be EFL teachers. The pedagogical implications explored will shed light on English teacher education, especially pre-service ESL/EFL elementary teacher training programs.


A Cognitive MAC Protocol Using Statistical Channel Allocation for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks



配備認知型MAC通訊協定的無線裝置能隨機搜尋已分配頻寬中未使用或很少使用的頻率再加以利用,並在此一同時對原本的頻率使用者造成最小的影響.為實現此一目標,本研究提出利用統計原理分配使用頻寬的MAC通訊協定,稱為SCA-MAC.SCA-MAC是由CSMA/CA通訊協定為基礎加上以統計數據為頻率指定的判斷依據所構成的.在每一次傳輸時,傳送和接收兩方必須先在管理頻道(Control channel)上協商相關參數.傳送的成功率可事先經由本研究開發的理論模型加以評估.只有在通過此一協商的關卡後傳送和接收雙方才能在資訊頻道(Data channel)上進行通訊.傳輸效能可以透過此通訊協定的兩個參數加以控制:搜尋範圍(Operating range)和頻道集成(Channel aggregation).透過理論的分析和模擬實驗可確認SCA-MAC能提升處理量方面的表現同時將對原本頻率使用者的干擾維持在一可控制的範圍內.因為此一MAC通訊協定是根據CSMA/CA發展而來所以在無任何集中控制的狀況下亦可運作.


The MAC protocol of a cognitive radio (CR) device is supposed to enable the device to dynamically access unused or under-utilized spectrum without (or with minimal) interference to primary users. To fulfill such a goal, we propose a cognitive MAC protocol using statistical channel allocation and call it SCA-MAC in this work. SCA-MAC is a CSMA/CA-based protocol, which exploits statistics of spectral usage for decision making on channel access. For each transmission, the sender negotiates with the receiver on transmission parameters through the control channel. A model is developed for CR devices to evaluate the successful rate of the transmission. A CR device should pass the threshold of the successful transmission rate via negotiation before it can begin a valid transmission on data channels. The operating range and channel aggregation are two control parameters introduced to maintain the MAC performance. To validate our ideas, we conducted theoretical analysis and simulations to show that SCAMAC does improve the throughput performance and guarantees the interference to incumbents to be bounded by a predetermined acceptable rate. The proposed MAC protocol does not need a centralized controller, as the negotiation between the sender and the receiver is performed using the CSMA/CA-based algorithm.


2007年6月19日 星期二

Transactional, Transformational, Transcendental Leadership:Motivation Effectiveness and Measurement of Transcendental Leadership


論文發表人: 劉慧娥 (南加州大學 公共行政學博士班)


現有的領導理論, 例如交易型領導及轉換型領導, 預設穩定及確定的外在環境,無法在今日不斷變遷的全球化時代,有效地激勵員工。這篇文章首先提出超越型領導理論以統合現有的領導理論, 並進一步超越現有的領導理論。超越型領導理論主張領導者以利他,存在意義作為領導的動機, 重視內控型人格, 故較交易型領導及轉換型領導更能有效地全面性地激勵員工。基於理論及結構方程式數據分析, 這篇文篇並提出新的超越型領導測量量表。


Existent leadership theories, such as transactional and transformational leadership, based on the assumption of stability and certainty, can't effectively motive employee in the quickly changing environment. This paper suggests that transcendental leadership incorporates and extends existent leadership theories by providing the motives behind leaders' practices, altruistic love, meanings, and spiritual survival. Transcendental leadership with high internal locus of control extrinsically, intrinsically, and transcendentally motivate employee and thus is more effective than transactional leadership and transformational leadership in motivating employee in the uncertain age. In addition, based on theories, this paper tests existing spiritual leadership scale and creates a new transcendental leadership scale.


Giant Magnetoelectric Coupling Effect in MPLC System


論文發表人:張家銘 (加州大學洛杉磯分校機械曁航太工程研究所博士班)


利用理論預測與實驗驗證並行的方式,成功預測了磁電層狀複合系統之磁電耦合效應。本研究包含了六種不同配置磁電層狀複合系統,其中包括了二維及一維的幾何形狀以及縱向、橫向、平面向的初始磁化和極化方向。在利用等效磁電參數a量化了各個配置的磁電耦合效應後,我們發展了一個涵蓋了全範圍磁致材料的compliancepoisson's ratio、以及piezomagnetic coefficient ratio等材料性質的萬用排序空間圖。此外,磁電耦合效應實驗也印證了此理論模型的準確性。實驗包含了磁致材料的材料基本測試以及磁電層狀複合系統的應變和等效磁電參數a。結果證實了理論預測不僅在實驗應變分佈得到與實驗完美的吻合,在等效磁電參數a的比較上,理論曲線也成功地預測實驗結果。因此,藉由此研究成果,所有磁電層狀複合系統的效能皆可藉由這個空間圖加以預測。


A theoretical modeling and experiment effort have been performed to verify the magnetoelectric (M-E) coupling effect in magnetostrictive-piezoelectric layered composites (MPLC) system.  Six MPLC configurations are analytically modeled, including three field orientations, longitudinal, transverse, and in-plane, in both 1-D and 2-D plane geometries.  By determining the individual effects of configurations and material properties through modeling, a 3-D sequencing map covering the span of compliance, Poisson's ratio, and piezomagnetic coefficient ratio  of the magnetostrictive phases is developed to predict the homogenized M-E voltage coefficient, , curves.  To confirm the accuracy of the models, several MPLC systems have been fabricated and tested.  The results show good consistence for strain values and compatible trend for  curves.  By testing different MPLC system, the ordering of homogenized magnetoelectric voltage coefficient  of each configuration follows the 3-D  sequencing map.


Transport of colloids in porous medium.

論文發表人:林香谷 (加州大學河濱分校物理天文所博士班)




Pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses in groundwater cause over one million illnesses per year in the United States. Despite the considerable research, the transport of microorganisms (colloids) in porous media is not well understood. In the reported work, we present a phenomenological filtration model that describes transport of colloids and the dynamics of colloid deposition and release at the attachment sites. The model has a soliton-like solution for the filtering front separating "clean" anterior and "dirty" posterior regions. The computed breakthrough curves and time-dependent deposition curves are in good agreement with experimental measurements.


Fantasy Theme Analysis of the Rhetorical Visions Embedded in the Blogs of Expatriates in Taiwan


論文發表人:陳雅雯 (新墨西哥大學大傳新聞研究所)

        此研究的目的在於分析在臺灣外籍人士在他們的部落格裡所使用的修辭性想像描述技巧以及修辭性遠景。此研究應用Boremann的幻想主題分析方法 (method of fantasy theme analysis)來分析一份長達二十六頁標題為「生活與居住在臺灣及亞洲 (Life and Living in Taiwan and Asia)」的部落格。研究分析結果顯示出兩個主要類別的修辭性想像描述:(1) 一個是在個人層次的修辭性遠景環繞著部落格的主人(一對旅居臺灣的加拿大夫妻)(2)另一個是在歷史或政治層次的修辭性遠景環繞著臺灣這個國家。這兩個層次之修辭性遠景的並列顯露出平行同時卻又相交且充滿矛盾的修辭性遠景。此研究也討論隱藏在修辭性遠景中的修辭性想像學描述技巧。最後,此研究對於部落格的功能以及自我的呈現有所建議。

This study seeks to examine the rhetorical visions and the rhetorical strategies expatriates in Taiwan use in their blogs. Specifically, Bormann's method of fantasy theme analysis is employed to analyze the fantasy themes and the rhetorical visions embedded in a 26-page blog titled "Life and Living in Taiwan and Asia." The analysis reveals two primary categories of fantasy themes: (a) one at a personal level revolving around the protagonists – the blogging Canadian expatriate couple, and (b) the other at a historical/political level revolving around the country – Taiwan. The juxtaposition of the two categories of fantasy themes reveals two parallel yet linked rhetorical visions comprised of dialectical contradictions. Also, the rhetorical strategies identified in the comparison of the two categories of fantasy themes are discussed as well. Finally, this study has implications for the functions and the issue of self-representation in blogs. 


Foreign Participation in China’s Human Rights Regime: Cosmeticians of oppression or defenders of justice?

Foreign Participation in China's Human Rights Regime: Cosmeticians of oppression or defenders of justice?


論文發表人: 陳至潔 (加州大學爾灣分校政治系博士候選人) 


本文嘗試檢驗跨國非政府組織在中國的法律/司法改革中所扮演的角色, 以及國際參與的效用. 中國政府在上個世紀90年代後期逐漸意識到法律/司法改革對經濟發展與社會穩定的必要性, 因而開始提倡依法治國的理念, 整頓司法制度, 加強司法與執法人員的素質, 並歡迎西方非政府組織與國際組織參與中國法律/司法改革. 已過十年因而成為中外法律/司法合作的蜜月期, 數以千計的外國法律專家, 非政府組織, 西方國家政府的援外單位, 以及主要的國際組織相繼參與中國的法律/司法改革, 他們的參與並不侷限於中央政府, 而是擴散到省與鄉鎮的層級. 而他們的參與也的確在各個方面為中國的法律/司法制度帶來顯著的改善, 尤其是在立法品質的提升, 司法獨立之觀念的傳播, 對刑事與行政訴訟法的重視, 法律專業社群的建立, 法治與維權觀念的普及, 以及為弱勢團體所提供的法律服務. 然而中國的人權紀錄在以過的十年並未有任何顯著的改善, 甚至維護人權的律師及法律工作者也在最近成了國家安全機構的打擊對象, 筆者分析這兩個互相矛盾的現象, 認為現有的國際關係理論不足以解釋這個矛盾, 並認為現有的國際參與在短期內無法明顯改善中國的人權缺失, 因為中國政府實施法律/司法改革的政治目的是要確保社會主義威權政體的延續, 並且在中國市民社會(civil society)的能力非常有限, 不只無法監督龐大的黨國機器, 本身反被黨國緊緊箝制, 因而國家與社會的關係乃是所謂的協商式(consultative state-society relationship), 與歐美市民社會文獻中所提倡的抗擷式國家-社會關係(adversarial state-society relationship) 大相逕庭. 因此跨國非政府組織參與中國的人權與法律改革反而是為威權共黨政權提供了合法性的保障, 因而導致此政權的相對穩固. 


This article examines the role and efficacy of international NGOs in China's legal-judicial reform since the late 1990s. Although a great number of foreign individuals, academic institutes, professional organizations and advocacy groups have throughout the past decade contributed to, and participated in, various projects that promoted the rule of law in the People's Republic of China at all levels, and overall the quality of lawmaking, judiciary, and legal profession has impressively elevated, violations of fundamental human rights have remain rampant and systematic in China. I suggest that international engagement in legal-judicial reform is a necessary condition, if not a sufficient one, for the development of rule of law in China, and comprehensive participation of international society in assisting China with her legality and judiciary may ironically consolidate the root cause of the most rights abuses: a capable yet unaccountable regime that prioritizes her political survival more than anything else.

