
2010年8月24日 星期二

Global Justice, International Society, and Coercion

論文發表人:郭祐輑 (加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校政治所博士班)


本文探討戰爭與全球分配正義之間的關係。學者Hedley Bull認為國際社會中的自衛戰爭是維持國家體系的武力脅迫機制。運用學者Michael BlakeThomas Nagel提出的分配正義理論,本文首先認為這種武力脅迫機制正當化全球分配正義的訴求。其次,假設前述結論正確,國際社會中對於戰爭正當性的評估必須納入全球分配正義的考量。當全球貧窮存在時,國際社會的自衛戰爭變成不正當的機制。所以,當全球貧窮存在時,貧窮國家如果發動戰爭攻擊富有國家以實現全球分配正義,富有國家不能正當地防衛自己。


This paper deals with the relationship between war and global distributive justice in international relations. First, by applying Michael Blake and Thomas Nagel's coercion theory of distributive justice to international relations, this paper argues that the coercive nature of international society justifies the demand for global distributive justice because war is an institution to maintain the order of the state system, as Hedley Bull points out. Second, this paper argues that the moral assessment of war in international society should include the consideration of global distributive justice. According to the coercion theory of global justice developed earlier, when global inequality exists, the coercion of international society becomes illegitimate. In this situation, if poor countries were to wage war against rich countries to enforce global justice, rich countries cannot justifiably defend themselves because self-defensive war against the coercive enforcement of global justice is rendered unjust by global injustice in the first place.

Network DVR: A Programmable Framework for Application-Aware Trace Collection



網路封包的紀錄對於廣大的網路應用其極大的價值, 包含了網路量測,網路安全分析. 現存的系統由於缺乏聰明的設計, 只能被迫收集所有電腦的網路活動(封包)近而進行後端的分析處理. 雖然這種分析行為可以得到較精確的分析結果.但是如果能直接存取應用程式所需要分析的封包紀錄卻是更為有效率的. 在這篇研究報告裡, 我們提出了網路錄影機,可以精確的由眾多的網路應用程式所驅動, 直接有效率的紀錄應用程式所需要分析的封包紀錄, 同時也可以大量的節省記憶體複製的硬碟行為,此行為唯一判別系統效能的重大依據. 我們利用實際的網路封包紀錄和實現我們的網路錄影機,比較於先前的系統,我們的系統可以降低500倍到800倍以上的的記憶體複製,大大降低了封包存取的記憶體空間


Network traces are essential for a wide range of network applications, including traffic analysis, network measurement, performance monitoring, and

security analysis. Existing capture tools do not have sufficient built-in intelligence to understand these application requirements. Consequently, they are forced to collect all packet traces that might be useful at the finest granularity to meet a certain level of accuracy requirement. It is up to the network applications to process the per-flow traffic statistics and extract meaningful information. But for a number of applications, it is much more efficient to record packet sequences for flows that match some application-specific signatures, specified using for example regular expressions. A basic approach is to begin memory-copy (recording) when the first character of a regular expression is matched. However, often times, a matching eventually fails, thus consuming unnecessary memory resources during the interim. In this paper, we present a programmable application-aware triggered trace collection system called Network DVR that performs precisely the function of packet content recording based on user-specified trigger signatures.

This in turn significantly reduces the number of memory copies that the system has to consume for valid trace collection, which has been shown previously as

a key indicator of system performance [8]. We evaluated our Network DVR implementation on a practical application using 10 real datasets that were gathered

from a large enterprise Internet gateway. In comparison to the basic approach in which the memory-copy starts immediately upon the first character match without triggered-recording, Network DVR was able to reduce the amount of memorycopies by a factor of over 500x on average across the 10 datasets and over 800x in the best case.

2010年8月18日 星期三

High-performance optical silicone for high power LED packages

論文發表人:林永河 (加州大學爾灣分校化學工程與材料科學研究所博士班)


近幾年, 高折射率矽氧樹酯普遍被用在高功率發光二極體封裝包覆材料° 然而, 大部分的高折射率矽氧樹酯還是存在可靠度問題當材料受到溫度與光線的影響在高功率發光二極體封裝中° 所以 我們開發了一種新的高性能矽氧樹酯可以有很好的封裝可靠度並且可通過JEDEC可靠度測試° 此種材料非常適合用在高功率發光二極體封裝°


The encapsulant materials for light emitting diodes (LEDs) were made by organic polymers, such as epoxy or acrylic, because of their hardness, high refractive index, and low cost. Recently, silicone with high refractive index was also used in LED encapsulant materials. All of these encapsulant materials have reliability issue under high temperature and radiation power in high power LED. A new high performance optical silicone elastomer had been prepared, and compared with high refractive index silicone and optical epoxy in high power LED package. The high performance optical silicone had less light output loss than high refractive index silicone and optical epoxy under UV radiation test and thermal test.  The high performance silicone, high refractive index silicone, and optical epoxy were also tested under JEDEC level 1 for moisture sensitivity test.  Therefore, maintaining high transparency and good heat resistance make high performance optical silicone suitable for high power LED encapsulant materials. 



A Spectral-Based Partitioning Algorithm for Parallel LDPC Decoding on a Multiprocessor Platform

發表人:  胡文祥(加州大學爾灣分校電機與資訊工程系博士班)


低密度同位元檢查碼是種具有接近薛農極限的錯誤更正碼,它具有適合於平行實現的性質,並且已經被多種通訊規格所採用,例如DVB-S2, WiMAX, Wi-Fi.在面對一個多種不同應用整合的時代,我們需要實現不同種類低密度同位元檢查碼在單一系統的實現方案,為了這個目的,我們提出使用多處理器平台作為解決方式.然而, 頻繁的處理器間的資訊交換限制了執行速度,在這篇論文中,我們使用基於圖譜的分割方法,將運算單元有效的分配到處理器上,以減少處理器間資訊交換的數量.實驗結果顯示,我們提出的方法能有效減少33%~52%的資訊交換,並可增加85%的執行速度.


Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) code is an error correction code that has near Shannon limit performance and is inherently suitable for parallel implementation. It has been widely used in several communication standards such as DVB-S2, WiMAX, and Wi-Fi. To address the need for supporting various LDPC codes in an era where diverse applications are integrated onto a single system, a multi-processor based implementation of the LDPC decoder was proposed. However, the heavy message exchange among processors limits the expected performance. In this paper, we present a partitioning algorithm based on graph spectral clustering to reduce the data communication during the decoding process. From the experiments, our approach successfully decreased the amount of inter-processor communication by 33% ~ 52%, as compared to the original sequential mapping approach. Together with the more balanced computation load from our algorithm, an improvement of up to 85% in the overall decoding time was observed.


2010年8月16日 星期一

On Kymlicka's Argument for Self-government

發表人:李心文 (南加大哲學所博士班)


Kymlicka主張每一個民族(national community)都有權利(right)建立自已的自治政府(autonomous government)Kymlicka的論證裡,使用三個重要的步驟,來證成民族組織自治政府的權利。首先,他說明民族的文化(culture)、身份(membership)、以及認同(identity)的重要性。其次,他說明了為什麼我們需要保障人民在這幾個方面的權益,還有為什麼一般社會的公民平等權利不足以保障這方面的權益。最後,他說明為什麼一個民族需要組織自治政府,才能保障這些權益。



In the book Mulcicultural Citizenship, Kymlicka defends the right of a national community to build a substate, autonomous government.  This right is included in a package of group-differentiated rights for national communities, which includes self-government right, special representation right, and polyethnic right. 

Because Kymlicka's support for the self-government right of a national community is derived from his support for group-differentiated rights, to understand his argument for the right of a national community to establish a sub-state government, we need to understand his argument for group-differentiated rights first. Kymlicka's argument for this right involves three crucial steps. First, he explains why national culture, membership, and identity are significant. Second, he explains why the usual basic rights or civic liberties assigned to individuals are not enough to protect their group-specific interests. That is, he explains why individual rights are not enough and why we also need rights that are group-specific according to national membership. Lastly, Kymlicka explains why a national community should be granted the right to self-government in particular.

In this paper, I argue that there are two problems with Kymlicka's argument. First, it would entail that there is something intrinsically bad about a multination state because no matter what the government does, it cannot adequately recognize both the national culture and the identity of a minority. This implies that the only way to treat different national communities equally is to give each of them the right to build a state. Any multination state where one group is the dominant majority and the other is not would be unfair to the minority one.   Second, it would entail not just the right of a national minority to establish a sub-state government, but perhaps also the right to build its own state. If equal recognition of national identity entails equal benefits and opportunities, shouldn't a national community also be given the right to establish a state? This would give them even more substantive power over their own affairs and ensure that its members receive the same be nefit and opportunities. It is not clear why we should stop at the right to sub-state government. The right to build a state can better approximate the ideal of equal treatment.

Or, alternatively, Kymlicka could have drawn the conclusion that multination states should adopt a confederation system, such as the one in Switzerland, where each of the constituent national community is treated equally, as each has its own sovereign government and is equally recognized at the state level.

In any case, if equal recognition requires that each national community has the same benefit, to be consistent, Kymlicka must hold that either a national group has the right to establish a state or that a multination state should adopt a confederation system where each constituent national community has its own autonomous government and equal political power in the legislature. Both conclusions are somewhat different from Kymlicka's original conclusion.

Optimized DFT-FB Transceivers over LTV Channels



我們探討傅立葉調變濾波器組收發器(DFT-FBT)在線性時變通道(LTV)的最佳化設計。DFT-FBT 收發機包含了Affine-OFDM Chirped-OFDM,這些收發機在近期文獻中被建議應用在LTV的傳輸通道。對於已知無線通道以及只知統計特性的WSSUS 計通道,我們將展示如何優化DFT-FBT的發射和接收濾波器原型,使的在接收端信號干擾噪聲比最大化。優化後,收發機隨著通道改變的部分,如OFDM技術, 是一組在接收器端的乘法器,它們根據等效的通道以一區塊時間為週期更新。模擬結果顯示,最佳化後的DFT-FBTLTV 通道的誤碼率(BER)性能比先前文獻所提出的Affine OFDM 為優。


In this work, we consider the optimization of DFT modulated filterbank transceiver (DFT-FBT) over linear time varying (LTV) channels. The DFT-FBT is a generalization of the Affine Fourier transform based OFDM (Affine OFDM) and the chirped OFDM, which are suggested in recent literature for the transmission over LTV channels. For both known LTV channels and unknown wide sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) statistical channels, we show how to optimize the transmitting and receiving prototypes of DFT-FBT such that the signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) at the receiver is maximized. After the optimization, the channel dependent part, like OFDM, is a set of scalar multipliers at the receiver end that adapts to the equivalent memoryless channel on a block basis. Simulation results show that the bit error rate (BER) performance of the optimized DFT-FBT  over LTV channels is superior to the Affine OFDM.


Optimal Ordering and Issuing Policies for Perishable Inventory

發表人:  李妍明 (南加州大學工業工程系)




SNS is part of the federal response to a large-scale emergency in the United States. The SNS is currently divided into "Push Packages" directly managed by the government, which constitute about 20%, with the rest as VMIs. We present perishable inventory system that enables the VMI suppliers to meet their minimum inventory requirement while maximizing their profit.

2010年8月11日 星期三

Language Learning through Social Networks: Orientation and Efforts

發表人:林金錫 (加州大學爾灣分校教育研究所博士班)


        影響語言學習結果的其中一個重要的因素是學習動機。隨著網路的出現,愈來愈多人在教室外學習語言,但他們的學習動機以及他們的背景與動機之間的關係卻極少為研究者所關注,動機是否在課室外的學習也扮演重要的角色仍較少為學者所探討。基於Gardner (1985) 對語言學習動機的兩項分類:整合性與工具性動機,本研究探討線上學習者的此兩類動機與努力之間的關係,並分析學習者的背景是否影響這之間的關係。資料從一個大型的線上語言學習網站取得 (樣本數為16,599),並用迴歸分析和路徑分析來研究。結果顯示,學習者之間的差異,包括年齡、性別、收入、教育程度、語言背景與所學習的語言,都會影響到這兩類學習動機。整合性與工具性動機與努力程度呈現正向相關,且工具性動機對學習時間的影響比整合性動機來得強。本研究確認了動機在透過社會網路學習語言的重要性與其對努力的影響,並提出社會文化背景在學習者動機裡扮演不可或缺的角色。


One of the most important individual differences shaping language learning outcomes is learner motivation. With the emergence of the Internet, more and more language learners study in out-of-school context, but little is known about online language learners' motivation and how motivation varies by their background. What kind of roles that motivation plays in online language learning is unclear. Based on the constructs of integrative and instrumental orientation by Gardner (1985), this study explored the relationship between both types of orientation and efforts and analyzed individual differences in this model. Data from a large international survey

(n=16,599) conducted through a major online language learning website Livemocha were analyzed using multiple regression and path analysis. The results suggest that learner differences, including age, gender, income, education, linguistic background, and target language, had an impact on both integrative and instrumental orientation.

Both types of motivational orientation are positively associated with learning effort, and instrumental orientation has a greater impact on learning efforts than instrumental orientation. This study not only confirms the importance of motivation in language learning through social networks and the effect of motivation on efforts but also demonstrates the effect of social milieu on learning motivation.

Language, Coloniality and Identity Politics in Colonial Taiwan, 1930- 50: A Case Study of Feng Yue Bao

發表人: 李欣潔 (加州大學爾灣分校東亞語言文學系博士班)


在臺灣的公共空間中, 個別的語言能否登場被看見或被聽見並不是一個不經操作純然中性的文化現象。在殖民時期的臺灣,殖民政權正是透過操作各種語言在視覺或聽覺的在場性來進行各種權力運作並以此鞏固其政權。如同我們已熟知的、基本上沒有普世相同的殖民統治,而各種在臺灣的殖民統治也都遇到了不同的抵抗,因而必須提出相應的協商策略。再者, 無論對殖民者或被殖民者來說,再現於語言的認同政治,不論是就尋求抵抗或協商的策略而言,都扮演了關鍵的角色。在此,我將以風月報為分析對象,據此討論殖民者與被殖民者如何以語言為競技場再現各種支配、抵抗與協商的力量。

Available visual and aural presences of various languages in Taiwan have never been neutral. In colonial Taiwan, visible and audible presences of different languages have been contested constantly in a language arena through which every colonial regime had exerted its operational power to assure its hegemony. As is well known, there is no universal colonization. Every colonial power in Taiwan encountered different resistances and therefore appealed to different strategies for negotiation. Meanwhile, identity politics represented in language also played a critical role, for both the colonizers and the colonized, when they projected tactics of negotiation and resistance. Here, I plan to discuss the dominance, resistance and negotiation between the colonizers and the colonized represented in the language arena based on my investigation of Feng Yue Bao.

Classification of Raster Maps for Automatic Feature Extraction



要擷取點陣地圖裡的地理資訊,第一步通常是需要人工辨認 (manual training) 地圖裡的前景,而這樣的方法使得資訊擷取的系統無法全盤自動化。在這一篇文章裡,我們設計了一個地圖分類的系統,使用Luminance-Boundary Histogram以及一個Nearest-Neighbor Classifier來分類每一張新進的地圖,進而自動找出與新進地圖相似並且已經經過人工辨認的地圖。因此,我們可以重複使用人工辨認的結果進而達到資訊擷取完全自動化的系統。


Raster maps are widely available and contain useful geographic features such as labels and road lines. To extract the geographic features, most research work relies on a manual step to first extract the foreground pixels from the maps using the distinctive colors or grayscale intensities of the pixels. This strategy requires user interaction for each map to select a set of thresholds. In this paper, we present a map classification technique that uses an image comparison feature called the luminance-boundary histogram and a nearest-neighbor classifier to identify raster maps with similar grayscale intensity usage. We can then apply previously learned thresholds to separate the foreground pixels from the raster maps that are classified in the same group instead of manually examining each map. We show that the luminance-boundary histogram achieves 95% accuracy in our map classification experiment compared to 13.33%, 86.67%, and 88.33% using three traditional image comparison features. The accurate map classification results make it possible to extract geographic features from previously unseen raster maps.