
2009年7月21日 星期二

The Earlier the Better? Disparate Age Effects on Second Language Phonology and Morphosyntax

論文發表人: 黃萱樺 (加州大學洛杉磯分校教育心理學博士)






The research objectives of the current study were threefold. It aimed to test the validity of the critical period hypothesis (CPH) in second language (L2) acquisition and to examine the age effect across two linguistic dimensions (i.e., phonology and morphosyntax) as well as across different structures within the same dimension. Additionally, the presented study investigated the predictors of the ultimate L2 outcomes in the two linguistic dimensions.

Participants included 118 Mandarin-speaking immigrants in the United States (Age of Arrival = 5-27) and a group of 24 English native speakers as the control participants. All participants read and recorded a standard paragraph taken from the Speech Accent Archive website, and their speech production was then rated for the degree of foreign accent by another group of English native speakers. Morphosyntax knowledge was measured by a 112-item grammaticality judgment test, which included 84 sentences from Johnson & Newport (1989) and 28 sentences from White & Genesse (1996). The selected 84 sentences from the Johnson & Newport study assessed ten standard English morphosyntactic structures whereas the other 28 sentences targeted at universal grammar structures.

Current findings failed to support the CPH in the traditional sense with a specific window of time for L2 learning that closes at puberty. The strength of the age effect was found to vary depending on the particular linguistic dimension and structure under study. Specifically, the phonology dimension was found to be more strongly constrained by the age of arrival variable than the morphosyntax dimension. There were also discrepant degrees of the age effect on different structures within each linguistic dimension. Finally, the predictors for the ultimate outcomes differed for the two linguistic dimensions. Age of arrival, language exposure as well as language learning aptitude contributed to the phonology outcome. In contrast, age of arrival was not a significant predictor for the morphosyntax outcome. The ultimate morphosyntactic attainment was predicted by language exposure and language learning aptitude.

Magnetoelectric Device Demonstrating Nanoscale Magnetic Single-Domain Control

論文發表人:鍾添淦   (加州大學洛杉磯分校機械工程研究所博士班)


在本篇文章中, 我們提出一個創新的鎳-鋯鈦酸鉛的薄膜式磁電裝置.  該鎳-鋯鈦酸鉛的薄膜式磁電裝置可藉由一個外加電場的方式來控制奈米級磁區的樣式變形過程.  藉由反式磁電效應, 在該鎳-鋯鈦酸鉛的薄膜式磁電裝置中的單一磁區可以被此外加電場良好地控制其磁區式樣的變形過程.  我們利用磁力顯微鏡觀測到這個外加電場所導致的從單一磁區狀態變形到旋渦流磁區狀態的式樣變型過程.  在移除該外加電場之後, 此旋渦流磁區狀態又會回到原本的單一磁區狀態.  這種可恢復狀態的磁區式樣變化即顯示了該磁區變形過程乃是可逆式的磁壁運動所導致.


We report on electrical control of nanoscale magnetic domain-pattern transformation process in a Ni/PZT thin film magentoelectric device. The magnetic single-domain in the device can be transformated and controlled under an electric field due to the converse magnetoelectric effect. The electric field-induced transformation process from single-domain state to vortex-domain state is observed with the use of magnetic force microscopy. Upon removal of electric field, the magnetic domain-pattern returns to its original state, i.e. reversible domain-wall motion.

Phylogeography of tube blennies in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (Teleostei: Chaenopsidae)




多數的生物都存在有隨著地理位置的種遺傳變異這個現象甚至出現在具有漂浮期而能助長遺傳物質交換的海洋魚類身上藉由比較出現在同地域不同物種的類緣地理學我們可以了解該生物的演化史以及其與歷史環境的互動因為擁有多樣棲地及海洋特徵包含加州灣的東太平洋是一個佳研究礁岩魚類演化史的海域魚尉魚是一類極有可能因其閉索性生活史而呈現種變異的礁岩魚類我們的遺傳研究結果顯示一種加州灣特有的管魚尉魚種Acanthemblemaria crockeri 實際上是兩個被分隔許久且獨立演化的新種而且它們僅僅在La Paz 海域被30公里的距離所分隔然而此分隔位置並沒有在另一個同地域的姊妹種A. macrospilus中發現此魚種雖也發現兩個獨立演化的新種其地理上的分隔線卻是在加州灣和墨西哥西南部之間該二魚種不但擁有相似的棲地選擇生活史及攝食偏好更被相同的海洋環境所環繞這顯著不同的遺傳變異現象透露除了以上因素之外的可能分隔機制


Nearly all taxonomic groups exhibit genetic differences across their geographical distributions. This is true even in groups such as marine fishes which have a pelagic larval dispersal (PLD) stage that often facilitates gene flow. Comparison of phylogeography among sympatric species is widely used for examining the evolutionary history of organisms as well as how that history is related to present-day and historical environments. The Tropical Eastern Pacific, including the Gulf of California, is an ideal region for studying this issue in reef fishes because of possible habitat barriers and oceanographic features. Chaenopsids are a lineage of reef fish with restricted life-history traits and thus great potential for resolving evolutionary enigmas. One Gulf of California endemic chaenopsid species, Acanthemblemaria crockeri, shows two reciprocally monophyletic lineages with deep divergence (HKY+I distance = 11.9% for COI) separated by a 30 km gap north of the La Paz region. However, a closely-related and co-occurring species, A. macrospilus, shows no divergence within the Gulf based on either COI or D-loop. Instead, the Gulf and southern Mexico populations of A. macrospilus are reciprocally monophyletic lineages (HKY+I distance = 15.3% for COI) separated by the Sinaloan Gap. Acanthemblemaria crockeri and A. macrospilus have similar habitat preferences, life history and feeding habits. In addition, they are exposed to similar physical oceanographic features in the area of sympatry. Their significantly different genetic patterns suggest factors other than life history or oceanography may underlie their phylogeographic patterns.

Telecommunications Reforms, the State, and Markets: A Comparative Case of Mobile Telephony in India and China

論文發表人:周銳行(加州大學聖地牙哥分校 傳播學系博士班)


Insofar as a nation's telecommunications reforms are concerned, do the state and markets necessarily play opposite roles in the reform processes?  China and India, as two fast growing economies, have experienced rapid growth in their telecommunications in the last two decades.  Behind the two nations' similar growth paths in mobile telephony, China and India adopted different policy approaches to their telecommunications development.  To de-monopolize mobile telephony in the early 1990s, China opted for a state-led telecommunications system with managed competition through creating a second state-owned operator to participate in markets.  On the other hand, India had aimed at a more liberalized telecommunications market through a licensing policy that would introduce multiple private operators into the market.  These two seemingly contradicting mechanisms (China's state-led and India's market-led approaches), nevertheless, have respectively helped the two nations to achieve the same rate of rapid growth in mobile teledensity.  This paper explores how state interventions and market forces have concurrently contributed to each of the two nations' development in mobile telephony, though their policies are quite different.  The discussion shows that the two nations' reforms were not driven either by the state's active participation in the sector or withdrawal from the industry.



2009年7月14日 星期二

CD-Insensitive PMD Monitoring of an 80-Gb/s Polarization-Multiplexed RZ-DPSK Channel Using a Polarizer and a Low-Speed Detector

論文發表人: 楊政源 (南加州大學電機系博士班)
Optical performance monitoring (OPM) has emerged as an exciting topic for enabling future robust, high-performance optical communication systems. Ideally, OPMs should isolate the specific effect that is degrading a data stream, such as deleterious chromatic dispersion (CD), polarization-mode dispersion (PMD), nonlinearities, or low optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). However, as progress is made in advanced OPM functionality, optical systems themselves are transmitting data formats that are ever-more complex. This extremely important trend in advanced data modulation formats is driven by the desire for: (i) better receiver sensitivity and tolerance to nonlinearities, as with differential phase-shift-keying (DPSK), and (ii) better spectral efficiency and tolerance to chromatic dispersion, as with differential quadrature PSK (DQPSK).
A technique that has gained much interest for doubling the system capacity and spectral efficiency is the use of polarization-multiplexing (Pol-Mux) of two independent data streams. Although this format is inherently more sensitive to the PMD effects than other types of formats, it is a viable and relatively straightforward option for high-capacity transmission systems. Given this trend and the increased sensitivity to PMD, it could be quite valuable to investigate optical-performance-monitoring methods to monitor the accumulation of PMD in a high-rate pol-muxed system, especially in a manner that is insensitive to chromatic dispersion. To date, there has been little reported on PMD monitoring in a pol-muxed system.
We experimentally demonstrate a new chromatic dispersion insensitive technique for monitoring differential-group-delay (DGD, i.e., first-order PMD) on a pol-muxed channel. We show monitoring results for an 80-Gb/s pol-muxed RZ-DPSK channel, in which the monitor consists of a polarizer, low-speed detector, and RF power meter. The polarizer is aligned along one data stream of the pol-muxed RZ-DPSK channel and thus the RF power increases with the accumulated DGD, which can be used for monitoring. The RF power is measured at low frequency content (e.g., several hundreds of Megahertz), indicating that the monitored RF power is less sensitive to chromatic dispersion [4]. Monitored power increment of 16.2 dB, insensitive to CD of 0~100 ps/nm, is achieved in the presence of up to 12-ps DGD value. This technique is simple, no high-speed components are required for measurements, and this technique is potentially applicable to 100-Gb/s pol-muxed RZ-DQPSK channel
光系統性能監測已經成為一個任人振奮的研究題目去達到未來穩定的和高性能的光纖通訊系統。 理想的情況下,光系統性能監測器可以區分開毀壞光訊號的特定效應,比如光纖色散,偏振色散,非線性光學效應,還有低光訊噪比率。 然而,在邁向更高階的光系統性能監測的功能性,光系統本身正傳輸著比以往更複雜的光訊號調制格式。 這個關於光訊號調制格式的趨勢變得非常重要因為以下的需求:(1)更好的光訊號接收器敏感度還有非線性光學效應的容忍度,比如使用二相位調制訊號;(2)更好的光纖頻譜利用率還有光纖色散的容忍度,比如使用四相位調制訊號。
使用偏振合併調制兩個獨立的光訊號流的技術,來達成雙倍的光纖傳輸系統容量還有頻譜利用率,最近得到學術研究上的關注。 即使這個光訊號調制格式跟其他的調制格式比較起來,本質上對於偏振色散比較敏感,採用這個光訊號調制格式對於高容量傳輸系統來說是非常有價值的、直接的選項。 關於這個趨勢還有對於偏振色散所增加的敏感度,研究探討光系統性能監測技術去監測在高速偏振合併調制系統中所累積的偏振色散變得非常有學術上的價值,尤其是這些技術對於光纖色散可以不敏感。 至今,只有少數的研究報告關於監測偏振合併調制系統中的偏振色散。
我們實驗操作量測一個新技術去監測偏振調制系統中的偏振色散(一階色散),而且這個技術可以對於光纖色散不敏感。 我們展示對於80-Gb/s偏振合併調制的RZ-DPSK訊號通道。 監測器包含偏振片、低速光接收器、電訊號功率量取器。 調整偏振片的方向去對到偏振合併調制訊號中的一路偏振方向,然後所量到的電功率隨著所累積的偏振色散增加,這個變化的趨勢便可以使用來做監測的功能。 電功率在低頻分量部分被量取(也就是幾百萬赫茲),以致於所監測到的電功率比較不敏感於光纖色散。 監測量取到16.2 dB的功率增加量可以用來監測0~12 ps的偏振色散值,並且對於0~100 ps/nm的光纖色散不敏感。 這個技術提供簡單的操作,並不需要高速的儀器,而且這個技術可以適用於更高速100-Gb/s偏振合併調制的RZ-DQPSK訊號通道。


Social Justice, Stratification, and College Access: Examining Higher Education Expansion in Taiwan





The transformations of democracy and economic development in Taiwan in the last decades help higher education reforms and expansions in Taiwan. The driving forces of higher education expansion not only include economic development and the needs of human capital but also reflect the needs of higher education access from society, parents, and students. The educational opportunity equality is the core concern of academia and central government in Taiwan. However, higher education reforms in the last few years, such as world class university plan, higher education merge, and assessment and evaluation gradually facilitate the formation of higher education differentiation and stratification in Taiwan. It's necessary to re-examine college access equity in the context of higher education expansion and differentiation in Taiwan. First of all, this study raised some equity problems of current higher education system in Taiwan. Second, social reproduction theory, MMI, EMI, and student success model will be the theoretical framework of this study. Third, the I-E-O model developed by UCLA professor A. Astin will be analytical framework. This study uses Taiwan Higher Education Dataset as sample, stepwise logistic regression as statistical method to explore factors that influence the possibilities of public universities and world class plan universities in Taiwan. In the last part of this study, education policy implications and future research directions are raised.

Globalizing Gender Repertories: Chinese Feminist Activism, State, and Globalizing Age





中國新興婦女組織運動在國際和國家維繫著相互合作和依賴的關係,也隱含策略性的互動,隱蔽的競爭和合作關係。本文提出雙重共生(Double Symbiosis)的概念,中國婦女組織運動並不直接挑戰和改變既存的威權體制,但透過組織運動的方式產生社會改變,組織不時關注國家釋放出來的訊息,了解組織運作空間的可能性。婦女組織作為執行國際組織理念的載體,透過不斷的協商與國際基金會協調執行方向,基金會也會在跟組織互動過程去調整在中國的資助方向,婦女組織和國家與國際資源是雙重共生的關係,相互協商、影響、滲透、互惠。本文以性別概念作為切入點,共訪談二十六位中國新興婦女組織運動者,深入了解她們的個人性別意識啟蒙經驗,中國的成長背景如何形塑她們的性別意識認同,九五聯合國世婦會後,國際接軌過程帶來的西方女性主義經驗又如何影響運動者的性別概念,進而探討西方「性別」概念在中國的轉化。另外筆者以四個北京婦女組織為研究個案,探討這四個組織在發展過程經歷什麼樣的轉變,在既有的制度環境和外國資源的趨勢要求下,採取什麼樣的組織策略。


Translations of cross-cultural ideas are disjunctures in this globalizing age and could create spaces for activism. In my case studies of women's organizations in Beijing, I discovered that different culture has its own distinctive system of gender meanings, but in a globalizing context, these gender repertories are fused with international egalitarian ideals.  While generation is one way to explain why activist adopt particular gender repertories, what is common for all these activists is that in order to secure a space for women's activism in China, they need to strategically manipulate pieces of gender rhetoric that are acceptable by the Chinese government and also appealing to a broader international community for supports.  The still-floating concepts of "gender" in China allow activists the flexibility to create new spaces for female activism.  My case study of women's organizations in Beijing investigates what cultural repertories these activists draw to justify their own actions at the individual level, organization level and to extend the organizational objectives to different audiences.  My basic assumption is that culture not only matters for social movement organizing at the instrumental level to induce cooperation but is always a way of life for activists to rationalize their own actions.  Both "deep" and "thin" cultures matters and are apparent for activists who are situated in globalizing contexts.  It is never an easy game for social movement activist when they consider their personal actions in accordance to larger audiences.  My study hopes to shed light how multiple identities are at work and what repertories they adopt when they interact with different audiences.

2009年7月6日 星期一

An Approach to Assessing Freeway Lane Management Hot Spots

論文發表人: 鍾智林 (加州大學爾灣分校土木所博士班)




This paper focuses on the tradeoff relationship between HOV/HOT lanes and general-purpose (GP) lanes that compete for limited road space. The basic idea is about sharing the excess lane capacity with each other on a timely and accurate basis. Potential conditions between these two types of lanes are categorized as "do nothing", "lane management", and "more than lane management". The "lane management" condition recognizes the extent and duration of a hot spot defined as low-utilized HOV/HOT lanes with congested general-purpose lanes, or vise versa. Four major and three minor lane management hot spots are deterministically and stochastically captured along a 24-mile freeway stretch in California. The major ones account for 8.3 percent of the total time-space set. The approach can also be applied to predict upcoming hot spots and acquires satisfying accuracy. Finally, strategies are proposed to prevent the hot spots and the effects of lane management are briefly estimated. The application of this approach is especially useful for HOV/HOT lanes of limited access points that prohibit vehicles of arbitrary shift between HOV/HOT and GP lanes.

2009 Classical Marimba League Marimba Artist Competition Winners Concert: The Performance of Selected Marimba Solo Works- “Cameleon,” “Variations on Japanese Children’s Song” and “Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum.”




古典木琴聯盟之宗旨為激勵現代作曲家,融合其獨特作曲技巧,並以過去各時期的音樂風格為骨幹,來創作不同編制的木琴曲。古典木琴聯盟亦舉辦年度國際木琴大賽,提供木琴演奏者展露其長的機會。此次演出之樂曲為當代重要木琴獨奏曲「變色龍」,「日本兒歌變奏」,以及改編作品「兒童天地」鋼琴組曲中的「帕納森博士」。「變色龍」為具有法國以及爵士音樂影響的木琴獨奏樂曲。此曲為三段式(ABA)曲式加上尾奏。A段由流暢且多采的樂句所展開並貫串;B段則轉換為較快的速度,樂曲的第二主題在此由強烈節奏性的樂段所帶出,快速的節奏以及重音塑造了此段活躍且有力的特質。B段在尾處以漸弱及漸慢緩和強烈的樂段,並銜接回如歌般的A段,由溫和深遠的尾奏結尾。「日本兒歌變奏」由三個主要段落組成。第一段由不同音量、樂句長度的頑固低音以及主要樂思所展開,第二段則呈現了數段裝飾奏般的樂段。音量的對比、速度的變化、漸快、漸慢以及速度自由的高度使用使演奏者得以較為自由的表現對裝飾奏樂段的獨特詮釋。最後一個段落不但涵蓋快速的音量(dynamic)、音色(timbre)以及音域(register)的轉換,並且運用樂曲的主要樂思以及素材,建立樂曲之高潮以及輝煌有力的結尾。「帕納森博士」為一短小卻深奧豐富的樂曲,演奏者須運用高度的四隻琴槌控制技巧以詮釋此曲。其中快速的十六分音符樂段需要迅速且準確的單手音程變換,以及非常精確平均的雙擊(double stroke)來呈現流暢的樂句。演奏者亦須運用跨越棒法(cross sticking)來呈現十六分音符琶音樂句的重音。而樂曲中氣氛的變換,須要藉由精細敏銳的觸鍵(touching)來呈現多變的音色以及各段落的音樂特質。此次演出的三首樂曲風格相異,但對於演奏者在音樂的處理以及技巧的運用上,皆有著相當程度的挑戰。


Classical Marimba League (CML) is an organization to establish a legacy of marimba music that honors the notable styles of the past within the creative expression of emerging composers from all over the world. CML holds annual International Marimba Artist Competition to provide a venue for marimba performers to showcase their talent. The pieces performed in the competition are "Cameleon" and "Variations on Japanese Children's Songs" from standard marimba solo literature and a transcription "Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum" from piano solo suite "Children's Corner." "Cameleon" is a marimba solo piece with French and Jazz influence. This piece is composed in the ABA form with a Coda. The A section starts with lyrical, flowing melody that is smooth yet colorful. The B section begins with faster tempo with accent of rhythmic passages to create an energetic and intense second theme, which provides a great contrast with the A section. After a diminuendo and ritardando, it repeats back to A section, and end up with a Coda. "Variations on Japanese Children's Songs" consists of three main sections. The Ostinato and main idea are introduced in the very beginning, and presented with different phrasing and dynamic. The second section consists of several cadenza-like passages. The dynamic contrast and tempo change, the great use of accelerando, retardando and tempo rubato, allows performer to express the passage more freely and colorful. The last section includes many fast shift of dynamic, timbre and register, which combines previous material, build up the climax and a brilliant ending. "Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum" demands mature four- mallet technique to meet the challenges in this short but profound piece. The fast sixteenth-notes-run requires fast and accurate small interval change of single hand and very even double strokes to achieve the flow of each passage. The sixteenth- notes arpeggio figure with accent demands cross sticking to bring out the accent. The mood change in this piece asks for sensitive touching to reach various timbre and to interpret different character of passages. The style of these three pieces is contrast, but these three pieces are technically challenging and virtuosically impressive flourish.

Joint MIMO Radar Waveform and Receiving Filter Optimization



多輸入輸出雷達(MIMO Radar)系統使得每個發射天線能傳輸任意波形。這個新的方法比起傳統的傳輸波束形成方法提供了額外的自由度。在最近的文獻中,它已被證明具有很多優點。在本文中,我們考慮使用目標物和雜波的先驗資訊,同時最佳化多輸入輸出雷達的波形和接收濾波器。本文中提出一種新的迭代算法來提升檢測性能。該算法保證信噪比在每個迭代步驟得以改善。計算結果顯示,該方法比現有的設計方法能有更好的信噪比。


The concept of MIMO (multiple-input multipleoutput) radar allows each transmitting antenna element to transmit an arbitrary waveform. This provides extra degrees of freedom compared to the traditional transmit beamforming approach. It has been shown in the recent literature that MIMO radar systems have many advantages. In this paper, we consider the joint optimization of waveforms and receiving filters in the MIMO radar when the prior information of target and clutter are available. A novel iterative algorithm is proposed to optimize the waveforms and receiving filters such that the detection performance can be maximized. The proposed algorithm guarantees that the SINR performance improves in each iteration step. The numerical results show that the proposed methods have better SINR performances than existing design
