
2007年2月8日 星期四

Can Western Risk Factors of School Violence Predict School Violence in Taiwan? Implication for Cultural Similarities or Difference in School Violence Between West and East Asia.



研究目的:許多研究者指出不同文化的價值觀以及不同文化背景會影響人類行為與思考上的差異 (Nisbett, 2003)。因此校園暴力危機因素以及校園暴力的關係有可能會因為所處的文化背景而有所不同。然而,極少數的研究檢視是否文化背景的差異導致危機因素與校園暴力關係的不同。此外,在亞洲國家中,目前沒有任何大型的研究探討導致校園暴力的危機因素。也無從得知,西方的校園暴力發生的危機因素是否適用在東亞文化的情境中。這份研究目的就在探討是否西方的校園暴力危機因素能夠預測發生在東亞文化情境下的校園暴力行為。




研究結果:多元迴歸分析的結果顯示,學生就讀的年級愈低(beta=-0.05, p=0.01),男性學生(beta=0.15, p=0.00),吸煙行為(beta=0.11, p=0.00),喝酒行為(beta=0.07, p=0.00),直接暴力受害經驗(beta=0.16, p=0.00),目睹暴力受害的經驗(beta=0.09, p=0.00),較差的衝動控制(beta=0.07, p=0.01),對於暴力採取正向的態度(beta=0.11, p=0.00),生氣特質(beta=0.06 p=0.02),父母監督(beta=-0.04, p=0.02),較差的師生關係(beta=0.07, p=0.00),較差的同儕品質(beta=0.15, p=0.00),以及低程度的校園連結度(beta=0.08, p=0.00 )可以成功的預測臺灣的校園暴力。然而,家庭的社經地位(beta=0.02, p=0.31),家庭衝突(beta=-0.03, p=0.11),以及學校的學業表現(beta=-0.01, p=0.48)無法成功預測臺灣的校園暴力。




Topic: Can Western Risk Factors of School Violence Predict School Violence in Taiwan? Implication for Cultural Similarities or Difference in School Violence Between West and East Asia.



Researchers have posited that people from different cultures behave, think, and perceive differently, largely due to differing contexts and risk factors (Nisbett, 2003). These differences may lead to varying results in the relationship between risk factors and school violence perpetration. However, few empirical studies examined whether the structural relationship between risk factors and school violence is similar or different across cultures. Additionally, there has not been any large-scale representative study on risk factors contributing to school violence in East Asia. It is unknown whether the relevance of findings of studies in western countries applies to students in other context such as East Asian cultures. Toward addressing these gaps, this study aims to explore whether the various risk factors found in the western world and predicted by western empirically based theories can also predict school violence in East Asian culture context.


The data based in this study is a cross-sectional and national probability sample. The data was collected by Prevention and Control of School Violence Project in Taiwan and funded by Taiwan National Science Council. Data was collected in 2000. The total sample included 14,022 students from elementary to high school (Grade 4 to Grade 12). The analysis reported in this study focuses on only junior high school students (Grade 7 to 9, N=2,989). Students were given a structured and anonymous questionnaire and were asked about personal, family, and school information, and students' self-report violent school behaviors.


The results of final regression model showed that students' violent school behavior could be predicted by students' grade level (beta=-0.05, p=0.01), gender (beta=0.15, p=0.00), smoking (beta=0.11, p=0.00), alcohol use (beta=0.07, p=0.00), direct victimization (beta=0.16, p=0.00), witness victimization (beta=0.09, p=0.00), poor impulsive control (beta=0.07, p=0.01), students' positive attitude toward violence (beta=0.11, p=0.00), students' anger trait (beta=0.06 p=0.02), parent monitoring, (beta=-0.04, p=0.02), poor student-teacher relationship (beta=0.07, p=0.00), risk peer groups (beta=0.15, p=0.00), and low level of school bonding (beta=0.08, p=0.00 ). However, family socioeconomic status (beta=0.02, p=0.31), and family conflict (beta=-0.03, p=0.11), and students' grade points average (beta=-0.01, p=0.48) could not predict students' violent school behavior in Taiwan.


Most of these relationships between risk factors and school violence found in empirical studies in western world applied to East Asian cultural context of Taiwan. The findings may tend to support a cultural similarity between West and East Asia among the relationships of school violence perpetration and various risk factors. This may provide information for school policy makers or clinicians to develop a new direction of worldwide prevention and intervention strategies for school violence.


Nisbett, R.E. (2003) The geography of though: How Asian and Westerners think differently…and why. New York: The Free Press.



2007年2月7日 星期三

An Electrochemical Intraocular Drug Delivery Device

論文發表人:李柏穎 (加州大學電機所博士班)

本篇論文提出世界第一個可重複填裝之移殖式眼球內微機電供藥系統, 為了避免病患承受反覆手術的痛苦,可重複填裝之移殖式矽膠儲藥槽被設計來接受多次注射針頭穿刺以填裝藥劑. 本系統使用電解驅動微幫浦以提供長期治療所需藥理濃度之藥物來進行治療及可彎曲之對聚二甲苯穿鞏膜供藥管來達成精準供藥至眼內困難到達之區域. 電化學驅動微幫浦能提供適合眼內供藥系統之流速(每分鐘十的負十二公升到每公升十的負六公升). 本裝置以膠囊式封裝技術加以封裝來提供手術移植之使用. 本論文最後同時提出初步動物體外測試之結果報告.

This paper presents the first implantable intraocular MEMS drug delivery device capable of being refilled. To avoid repetitive surgeries, a refillable reservoir constructed of silicone rubber is implanted and capable of withstanding multiple needle punctures necessary for drug refill. The device uses electrolysis-actuated pumping to provide long-term drug treatment at therapeutic levels, and a flexible parylene transscleral cannula for precise targeting of difficult-to-reach areas in the eye. This electrochemically driven micropump provides flow rates suitable for ocular drug delivery (pL/min to μL/min). An encapsulation packaging technique was developed for demonstrating device operation in acute surgical studies. Preliminary surgical results in ex vivo porcine eyes are presented.


Signal Effect, Herd Behavior, and the Trigger Time of Bank Runs

論文發表人:楊琬如 (加州大學聖塔巴巴拉校區經濟所博士班)

1990年以來,許多國家因銀行擠兌而造成嚴重的金融風暴。相關研究文獻建議以政府干預例如deposit insurancesuspension convertibility來防止銀行擠兌。但是,deposit insurance會造成銀行的道德風險問題,而suspension convertibility則會犧牲部份存款戶的利益。本篇文章研究在無政府干預情況之下,銀行、企業主、存款戶如何共同協商防範銀行擠兌,而且,因政府干預所衍生之問題不存在於本文所提出的協商機制之中。本研究顯示如果存款戶相信銀行呆帳過多,則協商將失敗並且發生銀行擠兌。因此,銀行將產生誘因去控管借貸品質而道德風險問題不存在。另一方面,在此協商機制中,存款戶具有策略行為,存款戶依據自身最大利益為前提而決定提款時機。因此,於此協商機制中,存款戶的利益將不被犧牲。本文另一貢獻在於發現當市場有過多計畫延後提款的存款戶時,若銀行採用均等服務原則,發生銀行擠兌之機率將大幅提高。

A number of related literatures about bank runs recommend policies such as depositor insurance and suspension of convertibility to prevent bank runs. However, depositor's insurance may contribute to banks' hasty lending and suspension of convertibility will make some depositors' welfare be sacrificed. This paper studies how a bank, an entrepreneur, and depositors renegotiate without the government's intervention to avoid an inefficient bank run and the problem of the bank's moral hazard. This paper shows that the renegotiation does not succeed if the bank is more likely to have bad investment; thus, the problem of moral hazard is eliminated. Depositors have strategic behavior so they are able to obtain their optimal payoff even during the state of bank runs. This paper demonstrates that when the market has numerous patient depositors, service on an equal basis will increase the probability of bank runs.


CMOS outphasing class-D amplifiers with Chireix Combiners

論文發表人:洪才弼 (加州大學聖地牙哥校區電機所博士班)


這篇論文提出相位互補式D類放大器及Chireix功率結合器.. 應用0.18um互補式金氧半導體技術設計與實現使用於此系統中的兩個電壓式D類放大器.再利用Chireix功率結合器的技術,可提升放大器在CDMA信號操作條件下的能量轉換效率 (drain efficiency)38.6%提升到48%當輸出功率從14.5dBm增加到15.4dBm且達到相鄰頻道功率比(ACPR) -45dBc.


This paper presents a CMOS outphasing Class-D power amplifier with a Chireix combiner. Two voltage-mode Class-D amplifiers used in the outphasing system were designed and implemented with a 0.18um CMOS process. By applying the Chireix combiner technique, drain efficiency of the outphasing PA for CDMA signals was improved from 38.6% to 48% while output power was increased from 14.5 dBm to 15.4 dBm with an ACPR of -45 dBc.


Development of Objective-Oriented Groundwater Models for Warren Subbasin, California



為了要解決加州Warren子流域地下水資源管理優化的問題,一個可靠的數學模型用以預測不同的管理政策所帶來的結果是被需要的。現今,Warren子流域的部分地區已經被高濃度高的硝酸鹽所污染,因此,一個可減低硝酸鹽濃度,同時能夠持地下水位高度的計畫正被需求。美國地質調查所(USGS)根據現場探勘調查與野外記錄,為Warren子流域建構了一個概念模型,同時,利用觀測資料率定了概念模型中的參數。然而,要評估一個率定過之概念模型的可靠性仍然是件不容易的事情,因為真實世界的地質狀況往往是非常複雜,而且實際狀況通常是無法得知的。利用傳統的分析方法,通常無法得知概念模型架構上之不確定性變化對於地下水資源管理優化的衝擊。另外,判斷觀測資料的充足性與否也是另外一個難題,因為建構越複雜的模型,所需要的觀測資料越多。在這個研究中,提出一個新的概念來建構加州Warren子流域物件導向地下水模型。利用這個方法,可以藉由處理generalized inverse problem的過程,進而判斷概念模型的複雜度。概念模型的複雜度將取決於地下水資源管理模式的精確度(可靠性),在處理generalized inverse problem的同時,觀測資料的充足性與否也可以同時被決定。當建立一個可靠的概念模型當中,觀測資料不夠充足時,設計一個堅固且符合經濟效益的野外試驗將可經由處理generalized inverse problem的過程而得到。透過這個野外試驗將可獲得必要的觀測資料用以率定概念模型,最終得到一個可靠的概念模型。


In order to solve the optimal groundwater management problem for the Warren sub-basin, California, we need a reliable mathematical model to predict the results of different management policies. At the present time, certain parts of the basin are contaminated with high nitrate concentrations and a conjunctive use program is being developed to decrease the high nitrate concentration while maintaining the water table at the desired level. The USGS has constructed a conceptual model for the sub-basin based on available prior information and calibrated it with existing data. To assess the reliability of the constructed model, however, is not easy because the real structure of the groundwater basin is complex and generally unknown. The traditional methods of uncertainty analysis are unable to find the impact of the variability in model structure to the solution of the optimal management problem. To assess the sufficiency of the existing data is also difficult because more data are required to calibrate a more complex model. In this study, we use a recently developed methodology to construct objective-oriented models for the Warren sub-basin. With this methodology, the complexity of the model structure is determined by the accuracy requirement of the solution of the management problem and the sufficiency of the existing data can be judged by solving a generalized inverse problem. When the existing data are insufficient for constructing a reliable model for the specified management problem, a robust and cost-effective field experiment can be designed for collecting necessary data to make the calibrated model reliable. 


Scheduling Optimization of a Multiple Source Water Supply System



本研究針對水資源系統發展一個全新的最佳配水及排程模式。模式中以供水節點、受水節點及供水路徑描述水資源之配水系統,取代以往以水源節點、需求節點及供水箭線所描述之配水系統。此種模式具有下述兩項優點: (1) 此模式可同時決定配水量、配水排程及供水之路徑。(2) 此模式用一組供水節點及受水節點描述水庫以反應真實世界中水庫不僅可以供水亦可受水之真實情況。因具上述之特性,此模式不僅可求出最佳由供水節點至受水節點之供水量,亦可求出最佳相對應之供水路徑。因此,此模式與一般模式僅能求解最佳箭線上之配水量不同,此模式所求出的最佳結果中包含了供水量、受水量、配水排程及在配水系統中詳細的配水資訊。在本研究中,我們採用一個假設的系統證明了此模式確實具備上述之能力,目前本研究正將此模式應用於實際的南加州之配水系統,此一實際配水系統供應南加州一千八百萬的人口所使用。


A new flow path model is developed for scheduling optimization of a water distribution system. The model characterizes a water distribution system by source nodes, receiving nodes, and flow paths. There are two advantages of this approach. First, linear constraints can be used to simultaneously determine the quantity and its associated flow path of water supply from a source node to a receiving node. Second, the model represents storage/reservoir as a source node as well as a receiving node simultaneously. This means that the model considers storage/reservoir as both a source and a demand at the same time to reflect the real-life situation. Therefore, the model optimizes not only the sources to each demand node but also their associated flow paths for supplying the water. This characteristic leads to the optimum solution that contains the optimal scheduling results and detailed information of the water distribution in the physical system. The quantity and its associated flow path in the water distribution system are explicitly represented in the results rather than merely an optimized total flow quantity in each link. In this study, a hypothetical scheduling problem is first used to test the proposed methodology. The results show that the flow path model has the ability to optimize both the quantity as well as the flow path. An application of the model is being made to the water distribution system of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California which supplies water to 18 million people in Southern California.
DE: 1847
: 1857 Reservoirs (surface)
1880 Water management (6334)
DE: 1884
Water supply
: Hydrology [H]
MN: 2006 Fall Meeting



2007年2月6日 星期二

Lost in Translation: Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Taiwan





Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin has long been considered a harbinger that deals with racism and promotes an Abolitionist point of view toward slavery in 19th century USAmerica. It is widely translated into various languages, read, and taught throughout the world. In Taiwan, Uncle Tom's Cabin has more than ten different versions of Chinese translations and has also been adapted as children's literature. It has been nominated by Executive Yuan (equivalent to Congress in a USAmerican context) as one of the best extracurricular readings for students from the age of 5 to 15, and one of its children's literature adaptations has been recommended by a National Excellent Teacher Award receiver to elementary school students.  However, within these translations/adaptations, one of the most distinct attributes of this novel—vernacular differences—are lost in translation.

As a child growing up in Taiwan, I read Uncle Tom's Cabin in the third grade and never knew about the vernacular differences nor its connotations regarding racial and social stratum until reading its English original. I intend to investigate the language politics in the repetitive performance of smearing away such dialectical differences in its Chinese translations, especially in Taiwan. As "race" has been a taboo subject in Taiwan due to genocide in the early twentieth century, the ways in which Taiwanese government and educational institutions promote and recommend this novel with racial themes appears quite contradictory to the country's forbiddance of racial subject matter. By looking into such language politics in Taiwan's Chinese translations/adaptations of Uncle Tom's Cabin, I would like to unravel how the compulsory reading of this novel might function as a performative act in blacking up the identity/status of migrant workers in 21-century Taiwan. As Taiwan in recent years has been involved in the traffic of human laborers for its soaring industrial development, I will also urge for a new version of Uncle Tom's Cabin because the sociopolitical state in contemporary Taiwan is much akin to the novel's themes.

Investigating the possible cause of the disappearance of vernacular differences in the Chinese translations/adaptations of Uncle Tom's Cabin in Taiwan, I hope to advocate a possible reform by connecting slavery illustrated in the novel with the traffic of Southeast Asian laborers in Taiwan. By revealing the kinship between the novel and what is happening now in Taiwan, my research will not only serve as an examination of the sociopolitical background for Taiwan's version of Uncle Tom's Cabin, it will also function as a call to re-examine the current social phenomena in Taiwan in the new millennium.



Reassessing E-Business Impact on Firm Performance: Value Creation from E-Business and ERP System Integration





根據資源基礎觀點(Resource Based View) , 我們檢測了企業資源系統(ERP)和電子商務系統之互補效用,對公司財務表現之影響.。本研究和過去研究最大的不同是,過去的研究大多假設ERP系統和電子商務系統對公司財務表現有直接的影響,本研究則提出,只有當公司有能力將兩個資訊系統互補運用,建立不同公司間的系統整合、流程整合,公司方有可能獲取財務方面的利益。本研究以150家美國製造業公司為樣本,並提出兩種不同的方法來衡量每個公司互補運用兩資訊系統的能力,以檢測本研究提出之假說。我們發現,一個公司互補運用兩資訊系統的能力,對於創造公司的財務利益有莫大的影響,其影響遠大於兩資訊系統的本身。我們因此建議公司,若想獲取投資資訊系統的最大利益,則應建立交互運用兩系統的能力。  


Building on Resource Based View (RBV), we investigate the complementary effect between ERP and e-business technologies, and the impact of such effect on firm performance. Different from previous studies that assume ERP and e-business technologies have direct effects on firm performance, this study argues that it is the complementarily use of the two IT resources to build system and business integration capabilities that is more likely to create business value. We use a sample of 150 U.S. manufacturing firms and two different approaches — product term approach and direct measure approach — to measure the complimentary effect. We present new empirical evidence that the complementary effect between ERP and e-business technologies in creating business value is stronger than the main effects of ERP or e-business technologies alone. Accordingly, firms should utilize and deploy ERP and e-business technologies in a mutually reinforcing manner to extract the most complementarity value from ITs.





Teacher and peer relationships as mediators of elementary school violence in Taiwan


Purpose: 直到現在,關於校園暴力發生的理論與文獻多是在檢視學生個人人格的狀態以及家庭的因素與校園暴力的關係。 極少的研究檢視是否學校可以消除家庭的危機因素所造成的校園暴力行為。再者,如此學校經驗做為家庭危機因素以及校園暴力之間的中界變相的研究未在東亞國家施行過。 學校的經驗也許可以成為一個抵銷的因素使得某些具有高度危險家庭因素的學生減低他們對於校園暴力犯罪的機率。為了澄清學校經驗對於校園暴力的角色, 當前的研究目標在檢視是否師生關係以及學生的同儕關係可以減少來自危機家庭學生從事校園暴力的機會。

Methods: 此研究分析樣本為臺灣國家機率抽樣樣本。分析對象為全臺灣所有國小學童共約3120人。


Results: 本研究以結構方程模型加以分析。 分析結果得到模型可獲得良好解釋(c2 (df=156, n=3120)= 551.99, p<.001, and with NFI= .976, RFI= .968, IFI= .983, CFI= .983, and RMSEA= .029). 這代表理論模型成立。且此模型共可解釋共約36%校園暴力的變異數。此外,此研究顯示家庭變相(家庭衝突以及父母監督) 直接造成學生的校園暴力發生率。學校變相(師生關係以及同儕關係) 也直接造成學生校園暴力的發生率。 更重要的是,在此模型中,師生關係優劣以及同儕關係優劣可以減緩或抵銷來自危機家庭所造成提高校園暴力發生率的可能性。


Implication: 這些發現表示了師生關係以及學生的同儕關係可以緩和學生來自危機家庭對於發生校園暴力的發生率。這對於校園暴力防制與處遇有重大的影響。或許提高師生關係的品質以及提高學生同儕之間的關係也許是一個成功預防以及治療校園暴力最重要的關鍵與政策。


"自然"的再想像: 以台灣馬里光河流域原住民人河關係變遷為例

論文發表人:官大偉 (夏威夷大學Monoa分校地理系博士生)

近年來,颱風季節發生的"天然"災害造成許多的損失,在台灣社會成為越來越引人關切的議題。居住在所謂環境敏感地區,高山原住民經常被指責是造成環境退化的原因。台灣政府為了回應環境退化,擬定了一系列"國土復育"的政策。其中,原住民部落的遷村被視為達成國土復育的手段之一。為了檢視國土復育的論述以及其背後的地理想像,本文以台灣泰雅族原住民居住的馬里光河流域為例,探討其人河關係的變遷,並指出自殖民時期以來主導著 "發展" 的"自然-文化"二分邏輯,方為現今災害的根源。本文同時分析此區域晚近興起的原住民社區資源保育與地方認同的運動,並建議這樣的運動能夠將原住民的聲音重置於 "自然"概念的建構之中,並且帶來 "自然-文化" 二分邏輯之外新的地理想像。


Re-imaging Nature: A Critical Review of the Transiting Human-River Relationship in Indigenous Maliqwan River Valley, Taiwan


Da-Wei Kuan*

PhD student in the Department of Geography, University of Hawaii at Manoa


The "Natural" disasters, for instance mud-slide and water-flood, happened during typhoon seasons which led to numerous damages have been a more and more serious issue in the public concern in Taiwan. Living in so-called "environmental-sensitive" areas, mountainous Indigenes often incurred great blame as the cause of the environmental degradation. In response to the degradation, Taiwan government drafted a series of "National Land Restoration" police, under which the removal of indigenous villages was deemed as a necessary means. Aiming to challenge the geographical imagination behind it, this article took the transiting human-river relationship in indigenous Maliqwan River Valley as an example, explored the process indigenous Atayal people got displaced and argued that the "nature-culture" dichotomy continually dominating the "development" in this area since colonial era is just the disaster itself. In the end, this paper analyzed its recent emerged place-based indigenous movements, and suggested that such struggles may replace indigenous voice within the construction of "nature" and bring new geographical imagination other than the "nature-culture" dichotomy. The major conceptual tools brought to this task are "social nature", and the interaction between first (material) and second (mental) spaces in the making of place. The methods employed include literature review and discourse analysis.

